Glory is Just Around The Corner

Day 1,112, 23:13 Published in Canada Canada by Damien Wolf

Today is a great day for eCanada, most of us were asking for an invasion so that our petty differences and infighting would stop. And the PHX nations of eFrance and eUK have duly delivered. But this article isn't about that.

I am a relatively new player, myself and many others still consider me a noob. And to some extent i take pride in it. But I've always regretted missing the PEACE GC vs ATLANTIS fights, The Great Battle of Ontario in V1, and the way eCanada came back from being wiped of the map to being one of the strongest nations of The New World.

But thanks to this invasion, each and every one of you can say "I was there" when Nova Scotia fell, when New Brunswick fell, when PEI fell to the French and British forces. But more importantly you can say that you were there, when eCanada said "Never give up, Never back down" and fought to gain back every single region.

I have played this game for 170 days, never have I been this excited, never have I cared enough to be involved in the running of our nation. Till now i wouldnt have even dreamt of donating part of my savings to our Country to help our great nation fight and win this war.

Yesterday I saw our Brothers in EDEN and ofcourse Brolliance fight through the night to take the Quebec battle to 6-7 before losing it. But we lost it with grace, with no regrets, we had given it our all. For that i say "Thank you".

These are Glorious days, and National Glory awaits, Just around the corner.

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Damien Wolf
Colonel - Acting Warlord TCO
Proud eCanadian Citizen