global news: valentines event history+challenges

Day 5,937, 10:55 Published in Ireland Greece by chris jonadicus

Dear friends, hello.

As the valentines event has ended, i cant help but to remember that the valentines weekly event is much, MUCH more difficult to win now, than it was before.

In previous years, i could easily get more energy per each sweet treat, and with it, i could earn many more gifts than now, which i would send to all of my friends.

But after day 5200, the devs made the valentines week event much harder to win, the sweet treats give you less and less energy back, and you earn so few gifts back, that even if you do buy the XS valentines day pack, you would barely get 10-15 more gifts and a fragment of energy that you would easily win in previous seasons.

Imagine that this year, i shot so much damage, and i barely got enough energy to earn 25 gifts or so, also thanks to my friends help, and so, i could only send 25 gifts out of the 100 needed for the first level of the v-day medal.

Lets make a rundown on the entire valentine weekly event over the years and how it gradually got worse after the 3rd year of its existence :

valentines weekly event on day 4108 : it was a fair event, and you could easily earn the energy and sweets needed for the first level of the medal, if not more.
( 10,000 love bites needed, and you could easily earn 20,000 in each v-day event for the first 3 years of it... )

valentines weekly event on day 4473 : it was a fair event, and you could easily earn the energy and sweets/gifts needed for the first level of the medal, if not more.
( same here, easy and fair to win )

valentines weekly event on day 4835 : it was a fair event, and you could easily earn the energy and sweets/gifts needed for the first level of the medal, if not more.
( also same, it was easy and fair to win)

But, on day 5200 or so, things got unfairly hard to win the valentines week event medal.

You would earn way less love bites per hit, way less energy back per battle/for each sweet box, and along with that, you would earn way less gifts per valentines week box keys...

As such, from day 5200, to 5565 to 5930 ( nowadays ), the valentines week event medal and rewards/requirements for the medal got too difficult, not just because the 100 gifts are hard to earn, but also because you get next to nothing in energy per hit/per sweet box, and even less gifts per v-day box keys earned...

In my humble opinion, i feel that the game devs should make the valentines weekly event easier and more fun to play, so that even the weakest/lowest lvl players can earn the first level of the medal each year, and to have something nice to show for their activities...

Thankfully they havent ruined the annual events or the spring break events yet... ( hopefully they will keep them doable and accessible... )

Speaking of suggestions, this game needs MANY more seasonal events and quests and more medals to earn...

I would personally also add some new e-nations in the game too, and a few more events/quests/medals, but what can i say? its up to them.

Do you like the more difficult valentines day event? Or do you prefer the older, easier ones? Was it easy for you to earn 100 gifts and to send them to your friends? what are your thoughts on this event?

plz let me know your thoughts and opinions in the comments section, and please comment/vote/endorse+subscribe to my newspaper.

as for subscriptions: plz subscribe to my newspaper+ tell it to other people too...
(i sub for subs, so lets help eachother to reach the 1000+ subs achievement!)
until then,

-chris j. an irish player.