global news: some on-term thoughts.

Day 5,959, 09:14 Published in Ireland Ireland by chris jonadicus

Dear friends, hello.

As time passes, i witness the good people of e-ireland working together for a better e-nation, and once again, i thank you all for your support towards me and towards the democratic union of e-ireland.

But despite me getting congratulations and words of support from the majority of people in e-ireland and from my friends, i now receive insults and mockery by some of my political rivals.

And while constructive criticism is good and a healthy political discussion is absolutely reasonable, insults and rude remarks are not OK.

I've stated to one of my political rivals recently, that, contrary to their claims :

Im not against transparency, and everyone knows that i support balance, democracy and transparency in economic reports of e-ireland ( and of any e-nation, for the matter ).

What i dont support tho, is kaitlinn's actions of sabotage towards our economy with bogus laws and deliberate acts against our people, and against our government.
I dont support kaitlinn's blackmail against our people and against our economy.

When i call kaitlinn and her friends as saboteurs, i state it as it is, a matter of fact.

You claim that they are ''using the tools they've been given'', but they could use their powers to make beneficial laws for our e-nation, to help our economy and to improve our situation in all aspects, economically, politically, diplomatically and socially.

Instead, they lay low and they only keep sabotaging our economy and they spit on the insitutions that they claim to serve.

Therefore my remarks to them as saboteurs and traitors isnt just right, its accurate too.

When fenoglio and ''oh damn'' provided kaitlinn with all the info that she asked for, she should have stopped her actions of sabotage.

Instead she kept doing the laws of sabotage. why? Because she doesnt want things to get better. she only wants to be in power.

Thats why kaitlinn keeps insulting me lately : because i defeated her in the CP elections, and because the irish people chose me, a humble irish citizen, over her, an agitator.

Noone should be fooled by her claims of doing things for ''the good of e-ireland'', when she and winston smith keep sabotaging our economy laws constantly and without any room for discussion nor for negotiation, but with only their personal desires for chaos and power in their hearts.

i will put it in the wise words of mr sweet drinker :
''The only thing more transparent than this government,
is this tactic of hiding behind continuous undefined demands for more transparency.''

and with oh damn's accurate words on the situation :
''Repeated calls have always been made for assistance to the government in any area, its funny that those asking for transparency etc haven't heeded calls to do work.''

this is the truth, sadly or not.

to the saboteurs of ireland,
i see the walking towards our sacred institutions,
WE will stop them.
For the sake of e-Ireland.

Once again, i want to thank the e-Irish people for showing their trust and faith in me it is truly heartwarming, and i deeply appreciate it.

if anyone has any suggestions on how we can make e-ireland better and more organized, feel free to tell me what would you like to see in here,
or what you would suggest to me here.

thank you!

plz let me know your thoughts and opinions in the comments section, and please comment/vote/endorse+subscribe to my newspaper.

as for subscriptions: plz subscribe to my newspaper+ tell it to other people too...
(i sub for subs, so lets help eachother to reach the 1000+ subs achievement!)
until then,

-chris j. an irish player.