GLD party leadership

Day 589, 06:43 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by psandrad

Dear fellow citizens,

In recent days there has been some commotion regarding the role of Peter Green in the Dutch politics. Me (Pander Sols) and Trinc feel the need to respond to this.

A short resume of the facts:

- Peter is being accused of buying votes, more specific, votes from American marines (an invading force back then). Evidence for this seems stronger than the arguments from him against this.

- Peter ran for presidency in the USA!

- Peter has not been seen on IRC or on the forum in recent days, and therefore his commitment to the party and the government is being questioned.

- Peter's role in coalition talks has been marginal. Me and Trinc did a lot of work for this, while he has a party leader should have been more active.

These recent events have brought us to the conclusion we do not support Peter Green as our party-president anymore. From today, I (Pander Sols) am officialy a candidate for the party presidency. Ofcourse, any fellow GLD'er is invited to do so too, I am sure a lot of suitable people are around, but for now I just did this to send out a signal. I'll decide later if I want to go through with my candidacy.

We also asked our forum admins to remove him from his duties as a GLD forum admin, and from any other roles that he might have that include forum responsibility.

We are a young and ambitious party with some very active members and we cannot accept that our reputation and role is being destroyed by an inactive party president. A president who is also a member of the political elite in a country that invaded our own country and is an enemy of our allies.

We want to make a succes of our first period in the government, and we want to build upon these experiences in the future and continue to be a pleasant and reliable partner in politics.

We hope we'll get support from all fellow GLD'ers. This is not by any means a rise to power, we're not taking over the party or anything, and everybody is welcomed to discuss the recent events on our forum.

Was signed,

Pander Sols & Trinc