Give the CPSU back to its members!

Day 594, 05:08 Published in Russia Russia by Maksim Chuikov

Greetings, comrades!

I write today about a disturbing thing concerning the CPSU party in eRepublik. Ever since we returned, Mauricenakov has been the party president. He has always won by a few votes. Let me enlighten those of you who are not familiar with the CPSU structure, when it comes to the Chairman position. Due to the TO attempts we have experienced, we have created a system in which the Chairman candidates nominate themselves on our forum. The candidate whom wins on the forum automaticlly becomes the party president in eRepublik aswell.

The CPSU has not been pushing for a political campaign in eRussia, yet. This doesn't mean that we're going to let one person, with the highest party position in eRepublik corrupt the name of the CPSU! Mauricenakov has been posting, in the name of the party, incorrect details. In other words, his agenda. As an example, he's posting about social-democratic "market regulation" and making the "Orthodox Church" the official religion of eRussia!

As the Commissar of Trade and Labor of the CPSU, I can tell that the party is in no way interested in market regulation, as Mauricenakov tells you. The CPSU is also a Leninist organization, meaning we don't prioritize any religion over any. The CPSU is an atheistic party, just to confirm it.

The party hasn't yet elected a Chairman on the forum, but we can not tolerate Mauricenakovs so-called Marxism any-longer. Therefore I ask you comrades of the CPSU, vote for me in the coming party president elections! Make the CPSU our party again!

- Maksim Chuikov