Give a Little

Day 766, 17:08 Published in USA USA by eMarkG

Hello USA.


I'm eMarkG, A proud member of ST6, I have been with ST6 from the start when Josh Frost began recruiting for this "special project" and Special it was, We have fought against PEACE and now Phoenix, tirelessly with out care of our own personally belongings or wealth.

Josh himself gave loads of RL money to this special project just to keep the eWorld free from oppression, he has been funding ST6 from the beginning with help from the other Seals, but Moving tickets and Guns are not cheap, He couldn't keep spending like he was, so communes were introduced which I am a proud member of just like many other Seals, we have started a Media Mongul project and have regular raffles but any money, anywhere we can find it is greatly appreciated. You may not know about ST6 or what we do or if we have done anything but from just asking around even your local congressman is sure to know of us and our achievements.

So I urge all citizens this Christmas to give a little for your country.

Donate a house

Give some of your currency just sitting in your account

Subscribe to our newspapers

Buy a raffle ticket at our next Raffle

Just try and give a little, It is going to a great cause.

This is an unofficial Seal Team 6 article, I’m just a normal member trying to help our project.

Thank you and a merry christmas to all