Girl in the Hood? EMMY for POTUS

Day 1,231, 19:35 Published in USA Denmark by sunnygyrl315

Don't get to excited I'm not talking about a women since we all know there are no real wimminez on the internet. I'm talking about Emerick know to some as Emmy and others Em.

Emerick has my vote for POTUS this month and he should have yours too. He has been Ciroque (diamond) this month as MOFA in Glove's admin. (He also has Glove’s endorsement.) Working together to get Terra off and running. His media articles have been nothing less than stellar. Who can forget the Prophecy Be a Fickle Mistress article he wrote, hands down nothing but win.

I've know Emerick since I started playing this game last year. Though I initially didn't like him (APF anyone?) I grew to respect him and admire him when I joined the now defunct SEES. Yes Emerick has his moments when he can be an as* but he's also one of the smartest people in this game. He's knows countless people in other countries which is only a plus for someone who is trying to become POTUS. Oh, and did I mention he’s been POTUS before? Check Wiki. He knows game mechanics and like I said the man is full of win. So if you want to be full of win as well and come up out the figurative hood. Vote for Emerick!