Gig 'em For Congress!::NoneSuch's Presentation!

Day 489, 18:29 Published in USA USA by NoneSuch

So, this time I'm serious about running for Congress. I know, I know, my last article was basically saying the exact opposite, but now that Scrabman has become President he can't run anymore so I think I actually have a shot at it. So, here's my "long-awaited" platform...

- Taxes -

Have you ever wondered what the "N" stood for in PANEC? Well, that happens to represent my name...yeah, you heard right, I was a strong supporter for the 20% income taxes. Why? Because it was our only option. With a depleted treasury and taxes way too low in the first place, we needed an immediate boost in our treasury. Anyone seen the eUK taxes lately? The exact same thing is going on with them.

So what exactly is my stance on taxes? Uhm, I want them low, duh. The 20% was based on necessity and theory. In only a few weeks these taxes are going to be re-analyzed and most likely lowered. I'm going to support the lowest taxes possible to effectively maintain our military and infrastructure.

- Foreign Policy -

I think that this should actually matter. The way we've dealt with other nations has just been horrible. From what our Presidents actually tell Congress is going on, we look like stuck-up children. We didn't declare peace with Portugal a few months ago because, "It wasn't cost-effective." Let me correct my previous statement... We look like stuck-up Jewish children. No offense Israel. 🙂

- My eResume -

That's not actually one of my platforms, I'm just actually getting bored writing this so I'm cutting it short. Let me just give you all a quick run-down of my eResume...
- Almost 8 months experience
- 2 term Congressman
- Previous UIP Party President
- Hands-down one of the most influential and outspoken members of Congress I've ever seen
- Got legislation passed to start the nations first effective nationalized weapons program
- I'm on IRC at least every day
- I post on the Congressional forums anyway
- I'm the self-proclaimed "Gentle Beta Giant"
- I'm currently writing our eConstitution (2/3 done)
- Honorary eMarine
- Highest ranked eTexas citizen excluding Scrabman (The President)
- All around nice guy!

Yep. That's all I've got to say about that. So, come election day, Vote for NoneSuch!