GGRyan And The CP Elections!

Day 743, 09:56 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by GGRyan

Barneymonkeyman came to me one night, after the RFA had been talking about the CP elections, and told me I could put myself before the RFA, see how they feel about me. I did... and three or four polls later, I am finally introducing myself to you! I, GGRyan am going to be running for Country President!

The experience will be great, the victory may happen; and even if it doesnt, maybe some of my ideas will be taken across to the future!

Here comes a short list of what you'll need to consider me;

- Underminister role in three ministries (Ministry of Trade, Ministry of Home Affairs and Ministry of Legislative Affairs)
- Ambassador to Hungary
- 3x Congressman
- RN Captain

What You'll Get From Me
Thats being brave, being bold; making the statement. Why should we be in the sidelines? Why should we watch the world go by? The eUK should aim to be pioneers; at the forefront of the New World. While this takes hard work, we can build the respect, build the relations and build the country to make it happen. But this needs...

Party politics is a little to hard for me right now. I, like AV, stand for uniting and bringing together the country. I would utilise and make more out of the House of Lords and Party Presidents; these are the people that can make the difference, with their influence and control. United, any country can be strong. Working together we can make things happen.

Activity, and oodles of it. I would aim to make a super efficient Cabinet and I would try to be involved in most of the goings on and be in touch with the people; make the same level of posts I do now, hold conferences and opinion poll to get the people across. I would work constantly to bring people and ideas together and make it happen.

The Best
The House of Lords will be made full use of, pinpointing what is wrong and what can be done. Its then down to the Cabinet, ministries and congress to push it through.

Examples of Actions
In my the three ministries I have worked in, talk to the ministers. I have kept trying to push ideas, kept trying to make things better and kept trying to get accross. I have just put forward an idea in the MoHA for an eUK awards which gives the people recognition; lets hope; i will greatly improve te spirit and maybe people will work harder with the chance of recognition. Too many people work too hard without being recognised for their work.

As ambassador to Hungary, I like to think that I have improved our relations from thevery top to the very bottom. I set up the eUK-Hungary military exchange, in which our younger soldiers get training, work and mentorship in Hungary. This helps greatly to keep them active as they develop into Royal Navy soldiers.

As a Congressman, I feel like one of the only ones willing to show some guts and just get on with it. After the recent scandal involving Widds, I was the one to kick off the action on a contract to secure our future orgs; while my attempt at a contract sucked, it prompted action from those wiser than myself and now we are OK. Also, I did try to get some co-operation between HoL and HoC, and we got some reaction, so not bad.

I am gonna give this my best, and I hope you guys take the positives with the negatives and take everything I say on board and talk about it; good or bad, I know not.

Later Tonight, or Tommorow, I will be releasing my Economics/Home Affairs Manifesto, and then the Foreign Affairs and Military will follow. Enjoy the ride; I know I will!
