Getting to know your Danes - Part 1: Flitwick and kkjerr

Day 1,715, 13:06 Published in Germany Germany by Kalif Batan
Hello dear Readers,

some days ago, i was looking for the Danes, that are still alive here in our beautiful German - Denmark Confederation, also known as Germark. Unfortunately, i couldn't find too many of them and it took me a long time, because i couldn't recall their names.

So it came to my head, that i could make interviews with many of them, so they can introduce themselves better to us Germans and we can grow together, like one nation. Yesterday, i started to interview kkjerr and Flitwick and both turned out to be nice guys and i had a good talk with them.
Unfortunately our english was not always perfect, but i think, one can understand what we meant. I hope you enjoy reading the interviews and getting to know our Danes better!

Interview with Flitwick:

Kalif Batan: Hi Flitwick, thanks that you take your time to do this interview with me. Would you be so kind to introduce yourself to me and the readers?

Flitwick: Sure. My name is Filius. Not sure what else your readers would like to now about me, so it is probably better that I just answer questions. Otherwise I might just bore them with things, that no one really cares about. 😉

Kalif Batan: As far as i heard before, you were one of the leading Danes to create the Union with eGermany. What positions did you have in eDenmark before the Union was made?

Flitwick: Hmm, that is a long time ago now. I think I at the time was Vice President, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Minister of Defense.
And yes, I forget who got the idea, but I was there from the beginning, when we started the talks and in the end when we made the treaty. I believe I was the one drafting the first version of the treaty. Maine Coon was President of Denmark at the time.
It was fun times. We had just spent a month getting Sweden to come of its high horse, which it did, when Russia and Finland wiped them, for their first time. Good days.

Kalif Batan: For me it's hard to imagine, but leaving someones home country because of PTOers must be hard. Were you more tired of fighting against them, or did you see no more chances to get rid of them? Could you tell us a bit about the history of the PTO?

Flitwick: When I started in this game, we had fled the country and started a union with Sweden. After 8 months where we saw absolutely no future in Sweden, due to Swedish politicians doing everything in their power to make sure the Danes had nothing to say, I, on behalf of Denmark, declared the union dead and we started freeing our own regions. So for me it was new to actually have a country. We knew when we broke the union with Sweden, that we probably wouldn't be able to keep Denmark PTO free. First of all we didn't have any Danes in Denmark, as everything moved to Sweden back then. So we had to start from scratch.

We had to recruit players in Denmark with only one mission, making sure we had a congress. Problem is, we Danes do not make multies, but our competitors did, BIG TIME. Which resulted in Han Solo 8, who is a known cheater in eRep and is known to create one multi after another, got hold of Denmark. Admins did nothing. Which meant we had to ask for help in wiping Denmark again.
At some point we gained some kind of control, with the help of Sweden. We were still friends with Sweden then. But then things started going wrong for real.

Kalif Batan: What happened?

Flitwick: Serbian PTOers were accepted into Denmark by me and Maine Coon, because Sweden and ONE guaranteed that these people were there to help us against PTOers. Han Solo 8 was a romanian PTOer, Serbia is ONE and therefore wanted us to get rid of this EDEN person. So, we trusted ONE and Sweden. We actually trusted ONE, because Sweden told us we could. I trusted Lonestar back then, having worked with him closely for a long time and people in general trusted me, because I had not given them any reason not to.

Kalif Batan: So you had two groups of PTOers there? Are they still there?

Flitwick: Well, Han Solo 8 left. A bunch of his multies were banned. And then the Serbian PTOers went rogue or so that is what ONE says. Suddenly Denmark had a babyboom, again. But when one real Dane appeared, 10 Serbian players appeared. It took a lot of banning and a lot of work, but we fought of all PTO attempts.

Kalif Batan: Were you sucessful in fighting these attempts?

Flitwick: Well, mostly. They never got away with our money like it was the case in Norway.

In the same period, Sweden had helped a Serbian PTO group PTO Norway. This group stole A LOT of money and gold. So, I spent a lot of time with Romania, Russia, Finland and Norway. I really wanted Sweden to pay for what they did. Denmark of course had no power what so ever. We were 30 Danes. But, we diplomacy you can get a lot done.
Russia and Finland were amazing. Sweden was destroyed. And the whole political system in Sweden was revolutionized. Jim Parsons was exiled to Serbia (the President who made the PTOs happen), Lonestar has not had any power since the revolution. And thus is Sweden today our friends.

Which was not the question. So, no, it was not hard leaving Denmark. It was actually very easy. Everyone was agreeing on the fact, that we are just not enough Danes to have a country. I suggested, or someone else did, I forget, that Germany would be perfect.

Kalif Batan: When exactly in this story came the point, when you decided that?
Flitwick: Decided what?
Kalif Batan: Decided, to make the Union...
Flitwick: You want a date or just, what made us decide we want a union again with someone?
Kalif Batan: Yeah, what made you decide, that you want a union again? Was there a special incident (like when the national bank of the Norwegians was robbed), or was it just the hard work, that fighting a PTO is?

Flitwick: Most of the very old Danes have all their eLife fought against PTOers. And they didn't want to continue down this road. And the new ones, like me, who was still getting eOlder, just didn't see a future. We wanted a place to eLive in peace and harmony. Spending 15 hours a day on fighting Serbian cheaters is just not worth the time.

Kalif Batan: Ah, ok i see. What would you say: Did you find the peace and harmony in eGermark after all?

Flitwick: Well, except that we now fight a broken game, a weird language and the urge to just eKill ourselves because of the broken game, then yes. I think so. We have it nice in Germark.
I have myself very recently become active again. And now you will see me go into politics and you will see me do some work Government wise. Later on, maybe sooner than later, I will see, if Germark might be ready for a Danish President.

Kalif Batan: That is great to hear! I hope, that your plan will come true!

Flitwick: Or, maybe I will have committed eSuicide, because the eRep developers decide to introduce Q10 training and factories, so we can all spend much more money on this game. Only time will tell

Kalif Batan: Lol, don't give them the idea!!!
Do you have the feeling, that the eDanes are already integrated? Should the community change something, or is it good already?

Flitwick: The ones that wish to be a part of the community is integrated, I think. But I do not feel there is a lot of Danes in Germany. I only really see Maine Coon, Stente and at times kkjerr. But that might just be because I am not looking close enough.
I think the forum needs a lot of work done. To me it is very confusing. This is due to many headline being in German. And there are so many areas. And then I am kinda stuck, when most posts are in German. So, if people would write more in English it would be perfect, but I am given to understand, that there is a rather large part of the Germans, that have never been taught English in school and it is quite unfair to expect these people to write in English.

Kalif Batan: Yeah, i can imagine that! Maybe we could bring Lhasa to work on the forum a bit! Especially for Congress i just proposed a change of the law, so everyone has to write a short summary in English. I hope, that this will help too...

Flitwick: But, I am sure we will in time see it change to becoming more English. Especially if the Danes become more active in the community. I think the Danes are in a sleeping state at the moment.
We have quite a lot of sleepers in Denmark, in case we want to revive the country. But they have not really anything to do there, and have become almost inactive. And that has somehow made the active Danes in Germany become sleepers too.
But, mostly that has nothing to do with the union. It is just because most Danes do not find this types of game the least bit appealing and when the game begins to want you to pay absurd amounts of money to just try to stay in touch with the biggest accounts, then they decide to stop.
eDenmark has never had a chance in this game. Because Danes do not hate our neighbors.

Kalif Batan: Yeah, that is the same reason, why eGermany is not one of the big players

Flitwick: It is not like Serbia and Croatia that can create a 30000 people babyboom, because there is a vote on whether Kosovo should become a part of the game. If there was a vote on Greenland should become a part of the game and be either on its own or a part of Denmark, it would most likely bring 0 people into Denmark, because of such a vote.

Kalif Batan: Well, this is a good sign for your RL-Community, i would say!

Flitwick: We don't hate our neighbors. We don't love you either though. We nothing you. Sorry, but that is how it is.
Some people say the RL-community is hateful towards foreigners. That is not really the truth. We like foreigners that wants us the best and play on our ground by our rules. We don't like the ones that comes into our country and try to change everything. And then again, it is not even like we like them. We nothing them.
Danes are very egoistic in the sense, we just want to have a good life ourselves. And then we pretty much couldn't give a damn about anyone else, as long as we do not have to know about the other ones suffering. I have a feeling the German people are very much like the Danes in that sense.

Kalif Batan: It sounds a bit like the germans, yes!

Flitwick: We like the same things. Beer, good food, football, handball etc. If it hadn't been for the crude language, I think we would have preferred being a part of Germany after the war. Of course, had it not started how it did and kept on being under a nazi dictator. But you know what I mean.

Kalif Batan: So, without the language problem, would a Union be possible in RL you say?

Flitwick: I wouldn't see any problem in Germany, England and Denmark merging into one big country. I am sure England and Germany see it differently. But in my opinion, those three countries are very much alike.
On the other hand, I could never see Denmark merging with Sweden. Those two countries are so far a part.
Kalif Batan: While being close geographically...
Flitwick: Yeah, but Serbia and Croatia are neighbors. I don't see a marriage there either any time soon.
The Swedish people are pussies. At least the ones that has anything to say there.

Kalif Batan: So, my last question for you tonight: Do you have some hope left, that one day the PTOers go away and you can go back to eDenmark or would you even want to go back?

Flitwick: Well, what I would like to say is "No, eDenmark is dead to me and I will never go back," but, if my fellow Danes suddenly become enough (100 people or so) and they want me to lead a new revival of the country, I would probably say yes to this. The PTOers have left Denmark. All their multies are still there though.

Kalif Batan: So Flitwick, thanks a lot for this great interview! It was very easy for me, because you had so many interesting things to tell! Especially the part about the eDanish history was new to me!

Flitwick: You are most welcome.
I can say many more things. But, that would probably bore most people to death.

Kalif Batan: Lol, for me it was very interesting! Thanks again!

Interview with kkjerr:

Kalif Batan: Hi kkjerr, would you please introduce yourself to the readers?

kkjerr: Yes. I am 26 years old live at Sjælland. Has played eRepublik almost a year now

Kalif Batan: Could you tell us a bit about your life's journey in eRepublik so far?

kkjerr: Yes, was invited by old friend from counter-strike world. Learned quickly to know Maine Coon, Flitwick, Stente and Sasori5 who helped me start the game. Since I have fought with them against the PTO in Denmark. Then we entered into a union with Germany. Now lives in eRep life in germany

Kalif Batan: What MUs, political Parties and countries have you experienced so far?

kkjerr: Has been in several party's can not remember them all from DK. But here I have been in Die Steinmetze. MU's I've been in Den kongelige livgarden in Denmark and here in Germany Bundeswehr and Die Steinmetze .. Have only had CS in Denmark and Germany.

Kalif Batan: To me it would be very sad, if i would have to leave me eHomecountry, because of PTOers. How did you feel, when you realized, that there is no chance to get rid of the PTOers?

kkjer: We have a chance. BUT it requires that the people who worked for Denmark that they should be online 24/7 and contract plans with nearby countries .. Which is a big job for such a small nation. I'm quite fine with it now and we have good cooperation with Germany, which gives us more time in the IRL

Kalif Batan: So, who came up with the idea, to make a Union with eGermany? Did you make a poll about it, or did all people agree anyway?

kkjerr: There was a meeting with the German Government on whether the agreement should be and how it kan canceled etc. Then there was a vote by trusted Danes

Kalif Batan: You mentioned, that you already have been in two MUs and a Party here in eGermany. Do you like it here and do you feel well-integrated?

kkjerr: around the party, I have quite fine with it, they are very nice 😁) With MU's was more to try something else and after that have begun to share MU'en up after div. and strength so I think it's quite nice ..

Kalif Batan:
Do you have an idea, what the eGermans could do, to get the eDanes better involved in our community, or do you think, it is good the way it is?

kkjerr: Both good and bad, we're only few Danes in Germany, believe they can count on 2 hands and only very few who are on IRC, so it's hard to get us more into it than we already are ... From my side it's fine, may be the other Danes have different opinions ..

Kalif Batan: Do you have a idea, who of the very few ones i should interview next?

kkjerr: Maybe Maine Coon, Flitwick, Sasori5, Stente maybe one of them. Or Hr.Bubbi from DK Sasori5 also from DK

Kalif Batan: Ok, thx a lot for your time! I hope, you guys will get you country back some time, but until then, you are very welcome here in eGermark!

kkjerr: Hope but do not believe it .. It is very difficult to get Danes into the game. while Denmark is a small country IRL and thx

I hope, you liked the interviews! More will hopefully follow soon! Stay tuned and have a good time all!

Kalif Batan