Getting to know the Norwegian organisations

Day 2,159, 09:46 Published in Norway Norway by Stakerauo

Hey, readers!
Long time no see, aye!

First off, I would like to explain that the purpose of this article is to inform and educate the Norwegians, and any foreign spectators, about the in-game organisations which are located in our country. By organisations I mean parties and millitary units, and take note that this article is only relevant at the time it's written. The content will be written with a neutral stance to everything, but with a few touches of personal thoughts as there is close to nothing official in any of our parties. Adding that this article might also critique the lack of possibility for parties to be relevant.

The Parties:
The parties in Norway are to this date the six parties of Teknokratene(TeK), Free Liberty, The Party(TP), Norwegian Communist Leauge(NCL), Bondepartiet(BoP) and United Party of Norway(UPN). Altough this is a moderate amount of parties, it might be a bit too much for a country where the parties don't really hold any power.

Image: My attempt to locate the parties on a scale.

Teknokratene is one of the oldest parties in eNorwegian history, and is also one of the largest ones. Its members have typically voted for social-liberal, and therefor I would classify it as a socialliberal party, and probably most alike Arbeiderpartiet and Venstre in real life Norway

Free Liberty:
Free Liberty, previously known as NyeNorge and before that; Anti-Espionage Electoral Alliance and Norwegian Nationalist Party. It has gone through many phases, and it does not resemble any of the parties is sprung out from at any more. Free Liberty is essentially a populist party, which is clear to me looking at the former party president´s desicions as he is the without a doubt the most important figure in that scene. Its main goal has over the time been to reduce taxes on Norwegian citizens and to try close off the market from foreign traders using high import taxes to protect the Norwegian trade, sometimes stretching beyond the limits of what the economy can handle. Free Liberty has rarely decided on things different than what the Norwegian Fremskrittspartiet would've, and sometimes they even seem to immitate them instead of taking what might at the time be a better solution. Therefor I would say that they're simmilar to Fremskrittspartiet.

The Party:
The Party flurrished at the time when party politics was, through a desperate ressuraction attempt, starting to become relevant again. The Party never really did anything except for recruiting new members, though it seemed to like colaborating with the people in Nye Norge. Over its time, the party members never really had any extreme meanings, and was moderatly supportive of liberalism. I would like to consider this party simmilar to the Norwegian Senterpartiet.

Norwegian Communist Leauge:
A communist party with very little influence of the Norwegian politics. Except for being a victim to PTO-attacks, from there the amount of members, it has mostly been quite. However, it´s founder, Kristoph Woldskji, has stated that he is a communist/pro-communism, and has during his participasion in parliment, voted for communist-like results. I will therefor compare this party with the Norwegian Norges Kommunist Parti or Rødt.

Bondepartiet is, like The Party, not really a big deal. They've been around for as long as TP and has also been mostly supporting other parties. Their votes have usualy gone to liberalising the market, but they have at several times given away donations of food, making it hard to place them on the right side, as they claim to be. In the end I came to the conclusion that the donations have usualy been in colaboration with millitary units, and would therefor be focused on sparing the individuals economy in times of war. I think I would consider these guys to be socialliberals, but more on the right-wing side than The Party. In real life I would find this party to be alike Kristlig Folkeparti, Venstre or even Senterpartiet.

United Party of Norway:
This party is not really a political party as much as its an attempt to seize the power in our country. They don't have any agenda they're planning to uphold, and the will not be a good addition to the Norwegian economy nor activity. Either way, I tried to place them on the board using their introduction article. In real life I would compare this party with Nasjonal Samling, for those of you who know about Norwegian coup d'états. *wink*

The Millitary Units:
The Norwegian miilitary units, are unlike the parties a lively part of the Norwegian society. These are the different ones:

Det Norske Forsvaret:
DNF is the main millitary unit in eNorway. It is owned and funded by the state, and has elections on the commander titles regularly. This worked well for quite some time, until the owner of the units factories quit and both the special task force and the task force for newbies was closed down. Although it doesn't provide any weapons anymore, it is definetly the best place to come in touch with other Norwegian and our politicans due to its size and diversity. It usualy fight for a better state, and by that I mean it fights for what can assure our independence and diplomatic relations. This is the MU I'm a member of, and it is the one I personally recommend.

The Rape Potatoes:
A privatised MU dedicated to our former king and president, Cristopher Moe, and his great men; The Rape Potatoes. Altough, Cristopher is no longer around, the MU continues to breathe. They've usually got a weapon supply system, and tend to fight for whomever they want, without hurting the Norwegian state and stability.

Liberty of Loki:
This party is affiliated with the political party, Free Liberty, and does not follow orders from the state. Unlike the other MUs, its priorotising might not be the best, but they provide the freedom for people to fight where the majority wants to fight.

A Greek millitary unit. It's most likely only located in Norway to try and leech off Norwegian members in an attempt to feel vikingy. If not, their existance is a mystery.

Red Army North:
I know little about this MU, except that they like fighting for the Nordic countries. However, if there are no orders in Ásgárd, their priorotising will most likely go to other countries. They might be interested in communism and/or communism role play, judging by their name.

Great article, aye? Please comment, aye. Feedback is alway great. Aye, mate?