Getting S*** Done in Congress

Day 2,133, 11:15 Published in India India by Maxi Tippkick Maximillian

Hey guys,Parth here.Now that things are finally getting interesting I have decided to get involved into eIndian politics.I had just been watching till now and I have seen there is a newbie takeover 😛.Anyways this will be my congress article.I hate to bore you guys with the formalities but I need to in this article.
I pledge allegiance to the United States of AmericaIndia.
And to the Republic for which it stands.One nation under GodBhagwan indivisible with liberty and justice for all.

So there we go.Vote for YUUVA,vote for the future.We have brought you lower taxes,prevented you from losing your gold to represent your country,given you support to fight the evil that lurks in our land.Now it is time to repay.Vote for us and we will not disappoint you.
Jai Hind