Get Your Top On. Colonize!

Day 663, 04:49 Published in Australia Ireland by Lord Rhindon

Whether your a student, a parent, or a pensioner - whether you study at school or university, have a fulltime job at the servo, or have made it big in some high flying all have one thing in common. You are each an eAustralian. You each have a computer. And you wear clothes. In public, at least! And it is real-life Australian public that we aim to attract.


Get a kick-ass shirt, a proud statement and walking advertisement for our nation in all in one! Turn heads in the shopping mall, on the street, at campus...even rock up to work in your New World memento!

Gain +50 eColonizer points.
(More on the upcoming points system shortly).

Also, send us your photo, be voted on, get more points!

Medal of the Bravest. How far will your T-Shirt go? (+50 points).
Spunkiest eAustralian. Our most eligible T-Shirt wearing bachelor/bachelorette? (+30 points).
Biggest Dolt. Entertainment purposes only...give us something to laugh about! (+30 points).

To be eligible for the first award, you must be in photographed wearing the shirt in public...while shaking Prime Minister Kevin Rudd's hand or something ridiculous like that...whatever you like. For the last two, receive an extra 20 points for being in public! Send your photo to

A truly epic eRepublik event.
We ain't holding back.
Don't miss out!

Shirts available here at the eRepublik shop!

Only 25 AUD (approx) per shirt.
If you order one (just do it!), please send a PM or leave a comment.

Advertise our land.
Look awesome.
Have fun!

The photo competitions will be hosted shortly. Help us make it happen here!

eRepublik's co-founder, Alexis Bonte, did it!

"I failed as President of France, but I am CEO of eRepublik."

Customised style.

Lord Rhindon
Senator of Queensland (True Blue Party)
Publisher of The Southern Cross
Publisher of Rhindon's Rationality
Award Winning Writer
Aficionado of Fine Wines
Former Irish Politician