Germany & Poland - A Love Story?

Day 195, 01:02 Published in Sweden Sweden by josefstark

Many people have wondered why Germany invaded Poland. To understand this we have to go back in time.
Day 161, eRepublik calendar. The Swedish government mobilizes their troops and gives the order to invade Germany. The Germans have signed mutual protection pacts with Indonesia and Pakistan, and Germany has now become a gateway into Europe for Indonesia and Pakistan. Sweden saw the threat of a Paki-Indo attack from Germany and acted quick, ruthless and without consideration of a diplomatic solving of this problem. Now, why would Germany sign those MPPs if they knew it would upset Sweden? The answer is this: Protection. Why Pakistan? Why Indonesia? There were rumours that there would soon be an attack from Netherlands and Austria, so Germany needed someone to protect them, quick. They sent out their diplomats and offered many MPPs to several countries... including Sweden, no one answered. Germany now had to take into desperate measures, and so they sent MPP requests to Pakistan and Indonesia who accepted without hesitation and promised to protect them. Another battle lost for Sweden and yet another won by the Paki-Indo pact.

The Swedish battle plans were to take Germany in three days, before the MPPs became active. This was not especially hard to do. The Swedish war machine was absolutely aching for combat, like a blood oak, constantly shooting new sprouts whenever the source of its existence drained.
Said and done, Germany’s army was quickly overwhelmed; for they had never tasted battle before.
All was lost for Germany’s part and when the Swedish army prepared for the coup de grace, the Swedish government provided Germany with one final list of demands a contract that was to be signed, or they would finish them off.
The demands? An MPP with no one else but Sweden, a non-aggression pact, a trade agreement with 0% trading tax and a payment to the Swedish government of 500 GOLD. Germany was also to have the regions of Brandenburg, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and Saxony-Anhalt returned back to them. Sign or succumb. Germany had no choice but to sign the contract, and so they did.

When the war was over and the plundering hordes of Sweden returned home with the rush of victory, a tattered Germany was left to rot in their own misery and disgrace. They were called Swedish puppets and cripples of the eWorld. Their future didn’t look very bright, and they had to do something about it.
And so they sought to the closest thing at hand; a peaceful merge with Poland. It has been tested and proven. If Great Britain could do it so could Germany. But their plans were interrupted, by one of their own.

8deadboys had moved to Germany from Poland because he wanted to help but now that he saw that Germany had plans to make his fatherland into a German state he made a choice and moved back to Poland to stop the merging by turning some opinions. Germany saw no other way but to take Poland with force. Although their troops were broken and heavily wounded the spies spoke of an inactive Poland with somewhere around 17 active people and an average wellness of 60%. The goal was set and the already tired German soldiers marched into Poland. They encountered far more resistance than what they had anticipated. Poland received massive aid from the USA and the Czech Republic. The German invasion backfired upon them and quickly turned into a struggle for survival. For days blood was spilled over regions that in the following morning would have returned into the hands of the opponent.
Who would win this god forsaken war? Poland, it seemed. But with an inferior food production and low amount of supplies, the Polish soldiers fell on their knees, over exhausted and heavily wounded. The Pakistani infiltrators had done what they were told to. “Empty the Polish supplies!” was the order given out, and it worked, it did work indeed.

Poland has only but one region left and the German soldiers are just as exhausted as the Polish. This is where my little story ends, this is where we stand today. There has been so much suffering due to the widespread lack of understanding and the non-existing will for peaceful diplomacy. We all have to pay the prize of war whether it is in GOLD, in trust or in player activity, no matter who’s the victorious or the defeated, no matter who’s participating or not; we all have to pay.
Situations like these generate questions... Will the sword be too heavy to lift? Who will emerge as the victor? The answers to these questions are laid in the future, the future that we write, be it far or close.

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Columnist: Josef Stark
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Errare humanum est, ignoscere divinum!
(To err is human, to forgive is divine!)