Germany it back, Hungary will follow soon

Day 893, 10:31 Published in Hungary Hungary by Yasmin D'Ahara

It was a long way to get the unity of the whole country back, but which the conquer of Schleswig-Holstein-Hamburg the last region, which was occupied by Sweden, is back. In a great battle with the help of Russia, UK, Indonesia, Brazil and many others the high grain region could be reconquered.

But this was only one fight of many since the total occupation of Germany at the beginning of the year. It was a long way to unity and it wasn't easy. The prices and the wages were low, not many people were living in Germany and the mood was bad.

But now the sun shines brighter for Germany. We got many new active Users, who helped in battles and in economy, e.g. with working in foreign countries and buying products at home. Because of that, Germany is not longer a very littler power, but a middle power, which can help other countries, for example with cheap weapons for Hungary some days ago, when there were only a few expensive ones for sale in the Hungarian market.

But of course, without the help of good friends Germany hasn't be able to get its regions back. One of this good friends is Hungary, which helped us in many battles and at last sacrificed most of their country, so Germany could get back Brandenburg-Berlin.This was a very noble act and Germany owes Hungary many thanks for this.

But now the reconquer of Germany is finish and now it will help the others countries as good as it can. The people of Germany fight in the Hungarian battles, they sell goods on the hungarian market which are needed, they stand by the side of Hungary. It is one of the best German friends and Germany and PHÖNIX will not rest till all original regions of Hungary are back. And then, yes, and then Hungary will look with the help of PHÖNIX for another High Region and then the sun will also shine brighter for Hungary.

A little look in the German media:
Most of the articles today are, naturally, about the liberation of SHH. As example I think the article of the German President (and coincidentally member of my former party) is a good one. He describes in a figurative language the liberation of SHH, which is rather boring if you would only describe the game mechanical things. Ha also names the day of the full liberation of eGermany 'Tag der edeutschen Einheit' (day of the eGerman Unity), which is parallel named to the German National holiday. Coincidentally in RL Germany we have a holiday today, named 'Tag der Arbeit' (Day of the work) so this parallel is very nice. f you want to read the article for yourselves, please klick the following link: article