Gentlemen, We Have A PiG Problem...

Day 1,260, 18:20 Published in USA USA by johnpauljones

I come to you with grave news. Brother Athanaric never left. Instead he was chosen for a double Top Secret mission for Stone Ocean. For many months rumors have swirled that the Swedes and Spaniards were working on a project to destroy Dioism once and for all. Athanaric was hand chosen by the elite to carry out this mission. As part of his cover he was to "quit" to give the pigs a false sense of security. He went deep into enemy snows searching for the military base where the project was being built. On Sunday afternoon, he sent word that he had finally discovered the base, and was working on a plan infiltrate and document the enemies' plans. Today he sent an urgent encrypted message to the intelligence office. This was not his standard modus operandi , as he normally contacted his handler directly. Following that hasty message we received another message from the same source. This message was more foreboding...

One can only imagine the horror that pure nubile Athanaric endured...However, the time to mourn is not now, we have much to do. His death was not in vain. He managed to complete the mission, and send us the valuable intel.

My intelligence sources in the Holy Empire have just informed me about the greatest threat to our existence since the bovine insurrection of last fall. It would appear that Swedish scientist funded by pig-capitalist Spaniards have developed a new super weapon capable of destroying pure sand, and with that, Dioism as we know it.

Gentlemen, I give you the PiG-Swineteen

God. Damn. It.

Now I know what you are thinking, "How could a Swede fly?" Well, I have no easy answer because I have no fucking clue, but they are doing it. What's worse is they are creating a whole mess of these things. Anyone remember the Brozillian squadron that went missing two weeks ago? Yeah, they were all shot down with not a single loss for the Spaniards. Our best estimate has 67 fully operational units, with another 29 due to be finished within two weeks. We have yet to penetrate their advanced technology, and as such we can expect massive casualties. If the Swedes or Spaniards launched an attack on the Holy Sands. The Pakistani Air Force is ill equipped to handle such an attack.

Gentlemen, the only way we can thwart such an attack is to create highly trained fighter pilots to fight this menace. We need the top one percent, the elite. The best of the best. Gentlemen, that school will be about combat. There are no points for second place. The Holy Sands depend upon us.

Vaya Con Dio brothers