Gensokyo Weekly #3

Day 2,021, 22:55 Published in Japan Japan by Kyouko

GOOOOD MOOORNIIINNGG!! This is Kyouko, yamabito from Gensokyo.

SPOILER CAUTION! I will no longer hide DDC and HM info because it's been a week! I am extremely happy to say that Kagerou-chan is getting the attention! According to Pixiv's search result, Kagerou-chan is the most popular in the recent DDC and HM release. Well, the images for Sekibanki is more in number, but it's mostly because of the artist can only draw a head or something like that. For more info please relate the wiki page for Sekibanki.

I am officially naming 2 effects on Nico Nico Douga.

1. The PULL Effect
The resurrection of an old video that is not necessarily popular, due to a related new video becoming popular and the viewers just rushes at the old one, causing it to gain popularity as well.

The upload and popularity boom of a weird video after another weird video has become popular.

Also, I am becoming an increasingly active member of Baidu Tieba's Kagerou Imaizumi subforum, just... for the record. Also, one thing I have to stress even here...

The Correct Way to Draw Kagerou's Dress

I think I might as well start a thread on some forums or something, but here we go:

Credits: Kagerou's page on Touhou Motoneta Wiki

Here is what I got from searching "芒に月" ("Full Moon with Red Sky" card in Hanafuda) on Google.

And here is the zoomed in version of the first result, and Kagerou's dress.

See? It's the same thing! The card's Japanese name, Susuki ni Tsuki, refers to two things. Susuki, Miscanthus sinensis; and tsuki, the Moon. So, don't ever miss that black part on her dress!!

The correct way to draw Kagerou's dress would be this:

My thread on Baidu Tieba have successfully made at least one visual artist to be aware of the fact, and one cosplayer to tell his tailor that he wanted to emphasize that Susuki part of the dress. I feel good because I finally did some good to humanity.

2013-05-27 ~ 2013-06-03

Your guide to reading the ranking picture

*Bad Apple is #17 this week.

Last week's top 10

#10, DDC Lunatic with SakuyaA, is now #5.
#4, Stage 5 Bosses' Drinking Party, is now #8.
#9, Orin found other's procession, is now #18.
#3, tMoP Ep2 Announcement Pt2, is now #28.
#5, Remilia and convenience store, is now #37.
#1, #2, #6, #7 and #8 fell out of the rankings.

Last week's AFTERMATH

Last week's #6, Moriya Step, is used for this epic PV. This is so epic that my chair fell out of me.


Title: 【BLAZBLUE】東方心綺楼非公式PV【OP再現風MAD】
Translation: {BLAZBLUE} Hopeless Masquerade Unofficial PV {OP-recreation-styled MAD}
*BlazBlue: a fighting game. wiki youtube

I don't know BlazBlue, but this is awesome nonetheless. There is a comparison video up, which compares between the original BlazBlue opening video and this video. I have to say that this up-nushi is extremely talented and so on.
*up-nushi: lit. up master, abbr. of upload master, which is a very common way to say "uploader" in Japanese. It doesn't only imply the upload process, but also the content making process. "Content producer" is just too mainstream.

For Non-Japanese Speakers:
Nothing to worry about, just enjoy the light show.

Remake of BlazBlue's opening video, with HM characters.


Title: 地霊殿 ちょっとした動き集
Translation: Subterrainean Animism - Just a little movement compilation.
*Just a little: "ちょっとした" can mean: little, not big, boring (humble tone), common (in terms of news) and so on.

Unique art style, funny interpretations on stuff, good work. Worth a look.

For Non-Japanese Speakers:
The hardest part is understanding the "is that a gold sake or silver sake that you dropped?" thing, but I guess that meme comes from western folk tales, doesn't it?

Just some little animations inspired by SA characters.


Title: 【MMDドラマフェスティバル2】5ボスの飲み会
Translation: {MMD Drama Festival 2} Stage 5 Bosses' Drinking Party

Here's what I said last week. I don't think I will see this video next week. Okay, I admit I didn't see this coming.

For Non-Japanese Speakers:
After 8:00, they will start playing rock-paper-scissors, and more action will follow.

Gossipers gossipping about their masters. Everyone's very drunk. Sanae is cute as always.


Title: 【東方MMD】天狗のプライド
Translation: {Touhou MMD} Tengu's Pride

Very thick plot. I don't really know if it's worth it, as the video is mainly for lulz, and foreshadowing for half a video is the last thing you want to see in the Great Search for Lulz.
Also, great choice of BGM.

For Non-Japanese Speakers:
0:00~0:06 Disclaimer
0:06~0:19 Forshadowing
0:19~1:48 It is revealed that robbery cases are increasing. Momiji informs Aya that something is happening in Great Tengu's (their head of some kind) place.
1:50~2:26 Suspecious doll found.
2:26~3:00 Doll found to be Great Tengu, failed communication due to lack of ability to speak.
3:00~4:27 Marisa's hakkero went missing, saw newspaper in Kourindou, and comes to get some clue. Momiji afraid that Great Tengu's doll form might be spotted so she decides to fight.
*Hakkero: That 8-sided weapon that can produce Master Spark.
4:27~5:22 Fight!
5:22~6:42 Momiji tells Marisa that her hakkero is in Hakurei Shrine. (She knows because of her great eyesight.)
*eyesight: Reference to Momiji's ability: "see a thousand ri (3927 km) ahead"
6:42~7:49 Aya forces Momiji to admit that it's Momiji's responsibility that Aya kicked Great Tengu in the face. Aya asks about where Marisa is.
7:49~9:25 Marisa finds her hakkero. Apparently she forgot it in a party. Aya wants to ask Marisa if the robbery cases are caused by her.
9:25~10:14 Aya asks about a white pig-like doll. Reimu shows him the doll, that was found to be nailed onto the shrine earlier. Marisa senses Alice's magic power.
*nail on shrine: A curse ritual of some kind? I am not sure about which, but it's definitely a curse ritual.
10:14~12:22 Alice claims that her body is weak because of side effects of curse. She found a black feather where a set of dolls are stolen. Aya doesn't know a thing, but as soon as Alice reveals that the set of dolls are of Scarlet Devil Mansion, everything becomes clear.
12:22~14:07 Alice got her dolls back, and for the reason that the doll is stolen, Great Tengu loves Alice's dolls. Alice promises that she will give one to Great Tengu after the doll theatre in SDM, and Aya wants the curse to be lifted at once for the pride of all Tengu.
14:07~14:28 Alice let Great Tengu choose, to get a doll, or the pride.
14:28~end Self explanatory.

Robbery cases are increasing. Is it the doing of Marisa?


Title: 喫茶命蓮寺4
Translation: Myourenji Café 4

Yay, my turn to shine! This series is quite popular, and even under the assult of the Reitaisai videos, it still manages to get onto the ranking. Eye em strongest!!

For Non-Japanese Speakers:
0:00 Byakuren is undoing some seal. Not too sure what happens.
😇5 Shou don't really know what will happen after the removal of the seal. Seeing Kyouko all scared, Byakuren says that they will protect her whatever happens. Kyouko asks if it is OK to call Byakuren "mom".
1:03 Nue goes off secretly. (My guess, to find Mamizou after the seal is removed or something like that)
1:28 Ichirin says that it's only normal for Nue to act strange. Maybe she really does find Mamizou.
1:56 Hatate wants sweet potato. Nazrin says there's no such thing on the menu. Self explanatory after that.
*Those orange comments: The Aki sisters are popular for being unpopular. The orange comments are all the supporters they get (disguised as farmers) because of them getting no supporter. That's how Japan works. Deal with it.
*unpopular: Aki sisters was once the bottom 2 of the popularity vote. There's another ongoing meme about them being fan-created characters.
2:22 Mochi is from Eientei. Momiji is worried about them made from genetically modified stuff. Nazrin claims that they only used germfree environment.
2:46 Remilia comes with her charisma and all. She orders "something ordinary people eats" with charisma and later eats curry with charisma. She decides to name this kind of food "Sidewinder".
3:08 Remilia orders "something ordinary people eats that I haven't eaten before" with charisma. She gets sandwich, but she says that she have already tried it with charisma. Nazrin's only reaction is "I wouldn't know". She gives Remilia some pudding as special offer.
3:28 Remilia once again comes with charisma, and after a meal she decides to take a take-away bag away to bring to her sister. Nazrin's only reaction is "bring your sister too".
3:48 "Welco... what, it's the fairies.." "Eye brought sum moneh!!" "We, we want a hotcake~" (20 JPY = 0.2 USD or 0.15 EUR) Nazrin decides to pay for them.
4:13 Last panel: "You are great." "Don't touch me."
4:37 "Timed out again.... That thing is just too strong.. Oh, it's Reimu, Reimu~ please do something about that annoyin.." "I understand, I shall exterminate you first."

Things that happens in Myourenji Café.


Title: 東方輝針城体験版 Lunatic 咲夜A
Translation: Double Dealing Character Trial Version Lunatic Sakuya A

This is what I said last week: I expect to see this video on #2 or something like that next week. Well, I forgot the up-coming kaleidoscope.

For Non-Japanese Speakers:
Except for the dialogues and character names, there is no Japanese.
Well, there's always the wiki to the rescue. Translation

Sakuya beating bosses up in DDC trial.


Title: 【東方MMD】パチュリー病に伏す
Translation: {Touhou MMD} Beat by Patchouli-illness

I recommend waiting for that "someone" to subtitle the original first.

For Non-Japanese Speakers:
Too much going on.

MMD recreation of Meiling and Patchouli's performance in 7th Touhou M-1 Grand-Prix.

PULL effect:

The original Grand-Prix animation.


Title: 心綺楼製品版全キャラスペカラスワ集
Translation: HM Full-ver All Character's Spell Card/Last Word Compilation

Let the light show begin!!!

For Non-Japanese Speakers:
No Japanese content is important in this video.

All Spell Cards and Last Words from HM.


Title: 【東方MMD】勇儀姐さんと藍様でKiss me 愛してる【720p】
Translation: {Touhou MMD} Yuugi nee-san and Ran-sama Does Kiss Me Aishiteru {720P}
*Kiss Me Aishiteru: A 2011 Single by ℃-ute.

Gentlemen's dancehall. This is what happens when NASA's computer got into the hand of a Japanese. (jk, no offense) Well, I really have to admire MMD's ability to reach the other side of the uncanny valley. Also, something about this song: to be honest, the original song didn't receive great comments, but since the motion file for MMD was made, MMD makers realized that the dance is a very effective way to swing their characters' breasts. And then, every time someone made one of these, it simply gets 100K views and 1K comments in a matter of days, and one don't simply... guess what the viewers' hands are doing. (Compare the comment/view rate of this video to other videos and you will understand.)

For Non-Japanese Speakers:
Lyrics... but I don't know why you would want it.

Yuugi and Ran doing the classic Kiss Me Aishiteru dance.

PULL effect:

The same up-nushi's last video. They never got tired.


Title: 【東方】幻想万華鏡 第2話「紅霧異変の章(前編)」【二次創作アニメ】
Translation: {Touhou} The Memories of Phantasm Episode 2 "the Story of the Red Mist Incident (1st half)" {Derivative Work Anime}

It's out! I am a little bit dissappointed because of the amount of fights is just too little.

For Non-Japanese Speakers:
Very soon you will get an English dub/sub, so I don't waste my time here. *lazy*

A party is thrown in the Hakurei Shrine. The red mist incident is mentioned, and the Moriya crew wants to know more. Then the story-telling starts.


I think I added a lot of features to this, but (un)surprisingly the time taken is shortening!

Rambling: please really click on the videos, that's worth more than V/S. Not that I would know.


1. Vote for Yuuka Kazami in the next election! She is the strongest youkai in Gensokyo! The embodiment of flowers! The symbol for summer! There is no stopping her!!

2. Your AD here! 10 CC! I have less then 70 pageviews last article!

3. Your AD here! 10 CC! I have less then 70 pageviews last article!