Gearing Up for the November 2010 PotUS Elections

Day 1,079, 03:53 Published in USA USA by PrincessVictoria
My fellow eAmericans,

If any of you have been following the races that would culminate at the midterm elections, you know why I'm experiencing immense frustration/insanity/anger and everything else (the ones I've not bothered to list) on this November 3rd. If I hear something akin to "Sarah Palin roxors!" one more time, someone's going to have to check me into a hotel with padded walls and floor then leave me there with a snug, white jacket. I'm this close to throwing a fit because this RL political race just showed how unbelievably sophomoric our political system is.

Thank God I've got the eRepublik PotUS elections, right? At least the attack ads are in my feed where I can pick and choose what I devote my attention to. I'd take a feed full of "Don't vote for XYZ! He has cooties!" or "ABC iz teh 1337! Votezors 4 him!" any day of the week over the US political scene.

And that's why I do the PotUS interviews. I can get it straight from the horse's mouth and interpret it for myself alongside the rest of you. It's virtual democracy at its finest!

Presidential Lineup
Alexander Hamilton

I have been looking for candidates to interview and those candidates have been the only ones to have been endorsed by the parties I checked that I am absolutely sure are running for PotUS. If you know a candidate that is running but hasn't been endorsed yet, do let me know!
