GDPR and Shtuff

Day 3,846, 19:20 Published in Romania Romania by Nicolae Crefelean

Already annoyed? Well, I'll keep it short - hopefully. 😛 Just in case you still haven't noticed the notification that is now old news, this article is about the thing you see on the bottom of the eRepublik website:

We have updated our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.

So here's what's new...

Terms of Service - check the full diff online
1. The API link has been updated to (https is still too expensive, so buy more packs 😛).
2. eRepublik moved 4 floors up so the angry mob can reach them harder.
3. You now have to be at least 16 years old in order to play eRepublik, and if you're minor, your sister can no longer let you play unless she's also your mother 😃 or your legal guardian.
4. Apparently now there's enough cash for the Privacy Policy and the Tickets sections to move to https. Good job, pack buyers! 👏 👏 👏
5. 4 years later, someone fixed the link to the Rules page in the Wiki. And the same for the Tickets page. That's some serious dedication. Sweet!
6. That's all.

Privacy Policy - check the full diff online
1. It keeps saying that if you don't know English and don't understand the Privacy Policy, go home, stay home, and don't play eRepublik. Got it?
2. They changed a few to - I guess someone couldn't get a proper sleep at night over those. Again, serious dedication.
3. The pack buyers scored again, supporting the move of the Terms and Conditions to https.
4. eRepublik Labs collect and use personal information of their users as this is necessary to provide the eRepublik Service. Obviously, only with the user's consent or in those cases in which the collection and processing of the personal information is permitted by law.

The (funny?) thing is, they may also collect and process the following personal data about us:
- Email address
- Information about the browser type and version used
- The user's operating system
- The Internet service provider of the user
- The IP address of the user
- Date and time of access
- Websites from which the user's system reaches your website
- Websites accessed by the user's system via your website
- Facebook ID

... which makes me wonder what exactly do they collect and use other than the 9-items list? 😕

5. In multiple instances, eRepublik is now called eRepublik Service for whatever reason.
6. GDPR gets mentioned a few times, but it's too boring to reproduce. Check the full diff if you're brave enough - after all you have to be aware of it, understand and agree with it. Right? 😃
7. 4 years later, with the occasion of renaming eRepublik to eRepbulik Service, we no longer see "eRepublik,.com" in the Privacy Policy. That broken link will be sorely missed.
8. They changed the hosting provider from a US-based company to a US+EU-based company.
9. And if you're not happy with #8 and some other stuff regarding privacy, information or promotions from selected third parties about goods and services and other bla bla, be aware they retired the old e-mail address and from now on you can write them at - cool new domain name, right? Well, just don't go there - it's darned outdated.
10. More GDPR and consent stuff (because "no means no!"), some strange talk on how 500 men aged under 30 have clicked on their advertisement, and some women in the southeast of Ireland and stuff. Seriously, I didn't make that up. 😁
11. Then we have some words about the security and control of our personal data, and the fact that any transmission is at our own risk.
12. Some (more) legal mumbo-jumbo;
13. And more GDPR stuff - yuck.
14. They now have a data protection officer, as required by the GDPR:
> Dr. Christian Rauda - Certified specialist for information technology law

Again, read the full diff if you must. And we must.

So did you read it? 😃 If so, good for you! 👏 👏 👏

Have fun! 😉

GDPR and Shtuff: