Garven Withdraws from PM Race!

Day 769, 22:51 Published in Australia Australia by Garven Dreis

Hello All!

Today I have decided to withdraw from the Prime Ministerial race for January, as I failed to secure the People's Democracy endorsement, and as a true left-winger, I know that without the support of my comrades I cannot hope to be victories. I wish Timeoin the best of luck in the coming election!

Finally, and this will come as a surprise to most of you, I am leaving eAustralia for the time being, and moving to the eUnited Kingdom. This move is not inspired by hate or malice, but I feel it is time for me to find another place, and conquer another stage.

To my friends,
Thank you for everything! eAustralia will always be my true home, and you'll see me floating around ausrep and making sure you all get plenty of commie love.

To my not-so-friends
Thanks also, without you, I would not have been able to achieve as much as I have been able, and I would not have been so driven in my endeavors

I will return

Garven Dreis