Garven Speaks about Political Ads!

Day 765, 03:41 Published in Australia Australia by Garven Dreis

Hello All!

After seeing the following advert, which read;

-"Why you CANNOT TRUST the ANP"

"Timeoin and Binda33 were SACKED as Ministers for Conspiracy. Sir_Constant also sacked in the past, but the ANP wants you to vote them! DON'T DO IT!"

I was very disappointed. I strongly am against this form of advertisement, simply because it is a negative type of campaign. Instead of building up one particular person's run for Senate, it merely is an attempt to discredit another, which is the lowest form of campaigning.

While the link is to the party page of the PaPP, this does not mean that is by the PaPP or even supported by the PaPP, as it could as easily been made by a person who is attempting to discredit the PaPP (Like a reverse trolling attempt).

I urge all eAustralians to ignore all forms of negative political advertising, that is, something which is an attempt to discredit or defame. Vote in accordance to the positive aspects of someone's campaign

Thanks for reading! I hope people take in on board.