Garven's Proposed Cabinet and Platform

Day 742, 21:44 Published in Australia Australia by Garven Dreis

Hello eAustralia!

As stated in my previous article, I am running for the position of Prime Minister this term, and in this article I will announce my proposed cabinet. So without further ado;

Garven Dreis' Proposed Cabinet for December 2009

Deputy Prime Minister: Cerridwen Voeland
Cerridwen is a proven leader, and I am honoured to be able to have her as my Deputy and second in charge. She is a highly active member of the community and also has what is best for eAustralia in mind. Cerridwen and I work very well together, and so I plan to continue with this active trend.

Minister of Foreign Affairs: Mark Sanchez
Deputy: Dycey Farley

Mark is a veteran of Foreign Affairs, and has had ample experience in negotiations. New to the team is Dycey Farley, who while new, as shown potential as a leader, and this position will only allow her to gain more experience within eAustralia.

Minister of Defense: Newt Gingrich
Deputy: Timeoin

Newt is a highly experienced player and has agreed to handle to portfolio of Defense alongside Timeoin who will act as his deputy. Newt ha shown an ability for organisation, and especially with the time difference, will allow us to better coordinate strategies with overseas militaries.

Minister of Industry: sir c0nstant
Deputy: dylan of the darkness & Sir David Newton

SC is a highly experienced player who has a knack for the mechanics side of eAustralia's industry. He is person with one of the highest work ethics I know, and I know he will excel this term. Joining the team is Sir David Newton, who will assist SC in this portfolio.

Minister of Immigration, Customs and Security: Bass Junkie
Deputy: Dean Kong

Bass Junkie is a highly active player who will no doubt allow us to keep the highest level of security possible at our borders. Joining him is Dean Kong, a very experienced player who will assist Bass Junkie in making informed decisions and acting as guidance throught the portfolio.

Minister of Finance: Savonreapus
Deputy: Schoft

Savonreapus is a financial genius (If I may say so myself). He is an outstanding player, and I feel that I can trust him with such an important portfolio. Joining to assist him is Schoft, and together I know they will make a good team.

Minister of Information: Corey Blake
Deputy: Howeidark

Both these players show outstanding skill for the written word, and I am confident they will be able to accurately report on my Government's dealings to allow both accountability and transparency.

Minister of Cultural Services: Scotywest (Stewstoyc)
Deputy: Nomlah

Both these players are very active and have shown an interest in furthering the eAustralian community. Scoty brings experience to the table while Nomlah will be able to use his background to make sure that this portfolio is run smoothly and effectively


This is not me

Garven's Platform

Domestic Affairs

Domestically, I plan to continue Cerridwen's work and expand the eAustralia's current active population by at least 10%. This is reflected by one of my in-game national goals.After watching the political farces that occurred last term, I will be speaking to members of the community to address the issue and ideally prevent it from reoccurring.

Economically speaking, I would also like to address the sustainability of certain industries with only medium regions. While they are game-mechanics wise 'inviable', I do think that further discussion should be undertaken to make sure that all our company managers are informed of the implications of running a raw materials business in a medium region. The second national goal I have set is increasing the GDP by 2%. While this may not seem like much, It's a nice goal to be able to achieve, and will look awesome if we can.

International Affairs

I plan to continue close relations with the Sol Alliance, and I will be continuing on as the Sol Military Commander. The Sol Alliance has proven itself as a uniting force and also allows us to be much closer and have good relations with other countries.

I do like to continue good relations with eIndonesia as the Non-Aggression Pact is in place, but I would also like to continue to look into the possibility of eAustralia joining EDEN. While negotiations have currently been put on hold since the Malaysian debacle, I still would like restart them.

In this respect, the third and final nation goal I have set this term is that eAustralia holds all of it's current regions.I know this sounds pretty pointless, but it is always a nice thing to have eAustralia whole.

Military Matters!

I would like to see a reform of the military, and would like to seek input from both former and current military commanders into the restructure of the military. As a military commander myself, I can sympathize to a point about how frustrating running a military can be, so hopefully this restructure will be able to streamline the military into an effective fighting force full of win.

Closing Comments

eAustralia, the choice is yours. I know that I am a good and honest citizen, and I hope that on the 5th, you choose the best candidate and vote for Garven Dreis

Thanks for reading!

Garven Dreis