Garven Dreis would like to apply for the position of LPA PP

Day 799, 14:59 Published in Australia Australia by Garven Dreis

Hello All!

It is with great satisfaction to tell you all, that my holiday in the eUK is drawing to a close. I have had much fun there, and I have learnt more than I ever imagined, especially about myself. I'd like to also quash any rumours that I am a spy, as I have a very negative view about spying for the other team. My friends on both sides of the EDEN - Phoenix divide would know this.

Now, onto the main part of my article. I formally declare my intention to run for the position of Party President of the Liberal Party of Australia. I believe that new leadership is needed, and better integration with the eAustralian community.

About myself, I am 4 time previous Party President, so I am very experienced in this field. I am twice Senator for South Australia, held many positions in cabinet, and lost a PM election by one vote. I am also the former Sol Alliance Military Commander, so I believe that I am adequately qualified for this position.

I also
-Respect the voice of the people
-Adhere to existing policy and procedures
-Recognize the legitimacy of the eAustralian Forums
-Believe in fair and transparent democratic processes

I plan to:

-Hold an internal referendum about changing the name.

-Undo the damage done by the current term Party President

-Restore the legitimacy of the party, not just as a zombie party.

I hope that the members of the LPA seriously consider me for Party President, as I have so much to offer.

Garven Dreis.