Garven Dreis would like to apply for PP of the Australian Communist Party

Day 1,331, 15:39 Published in Australia Australia by Garven Dreis

Not like this, much.

Hello All!

I welcome everyone to this article, which is my public announcement of my intention to run for Party President of the Australian Communist Party. Rather than blather on about this and that, I'd like to keep it short and sweet this time around and list some of my ideas and my qualifications.

I am an experienced individual with proven leadership abilities.
I have been, in the past, the Marshal of the Australian Army Reserve, I have been the Supreme Commander of the Sol Alliance, which eAustralia was involved in. I've also been the Party President of the Australian Communist Party back in 2009, where I led an initial period of revitalization and helped the previously inactive party actually gain active members and become a force to be reckoned with, obviously with the help of many talented individuals. I've also spent a term as Deputy Prime Minister under Cerridwen Voeland and ran a CP campaign that lost by but 1 vote.

My priorities if elected Party President are:

-Increase Party Activity and recruit new members, as well as increasing forum activity and participation in party discussions.

-Increase the ACP's positive exposure in the eAustralian media, as well as increase the ACP's involvement in day to day eAustralian politics.

-Implement the Revolutionary Committee, which will provide the leadership and organisational team for the ACP at the executive level.

I will strive to be;

-An active and involved Party President.

-Approachable and friendly (aren't I already 😉 ) with a good work ethic.

-Always working in the best interest of the eAustralian and members of the Australian Communist Party

-Be Awesome.

Finally, If your interested about the Revolutionary Council, head of to the Direction of the ACP Thread.

ANNEX A. Revolutionary Committee Format

Party President
Garven Dreis

Chris Carnage

Secretary of Public & Inter-party Relations

Secretary of Homeland Affairs

The role of the Party President is to act as a manager, mediator and guide for the Revolutionary Committee, and to present a public image to the eAustralian Public. He/She will be responsible for finalizing nominations for Senate and Country President elections.

The role of the Treasurer is twofold. He/She shall be responsible for the successful and diligent operation of ACP Communes and businesses, and also monitor and provide advice to the Committee about financial happenings in eAustralia.

The role of the Secretary of Public & Inter-party Relations is to work with the Party President to both provide to the eAustralian people information about the dealings Australian Communist Party and to assist with strengthening ties with like-minded parties both domestic and international. Furthermore, the Secretary of Public & Inter-party Relations is to work towards the recruitment of new members.

Finally, the role of the Secretary of Homeland Affairs is to advise the Committee on the general situation within eAustralian Politics, to be able to provide advice to the Committee on military affairs that pertain to eAustralia and to act with the Party President as the voice of the Australian Communist Party within the eAustralian Senate.

Thanks for reading!

No, that would be your mother..