Garven Clarifies Some Points *UPDATED*

Day 745, 03:11 Published in Australia Australia by Garven Dreis

Hello All,

Following a discussion on IRC, I raised some points about the direction of Sol. I also gave insight to people in the room about my plans if I wasn't elected. I would like to talk about these points in greater detail to avoid any potential political mudslinging.

The Sol Alliance stands first and foremost as a defensive alliance representing the neutrality and sovereignty of individual Nations. Many small neutral countries, which have similar ideals to Sol, have been left in a precarious predicament, so there are possibilities that Sol may look to incorporate one or more of these now neutral nations, which are not imperialistic and align with Sol's ideals. This statement has no bearing on my Prime Ministerial platform, and it is a Sol matter which does not currently affect eAustralia is it still being discussed, and formal negotiations have not begun.

My comment on these nations as PEACE referred to the neutral nations that remain in PEACE. I was using the name as an easily identifiable group of nations, and which does not refer to the PEACE alliance actually joining Sol, as this is not only impossible, but Sol would never stand for it and I find insulting.

These nations that could possibly joining Sol as ex-PEACE neutral nations are;

Phillipinnes (current Sol members)
France (neutrality recently announced)

These nations no longer have any ties to the former PEACE GC.

I would also like to point out that I am not the leader in Sol, but merely direct Military Forces and military strategy.

Secondly, in my capacity as Sol Military Commander, I began issuing and putting plans in place for SolDiers to defend eFrance. I would like to make it clear at this point that the Australian Military Marshal was informed of this fact at the first convenient opportunity, and the AMM was also directed to change the battle orders for the Dropbears and ACUK upon day change. My capacity as dPM and Sol Commander did not affect my judgement either way. The AMM did not need to be informed immediately due to the reason that it was not an eAustralian Military issue, but an issue for the Sol Alliance

UPDATE: I have since resigned as Sol Military Commander, As I will not have the position used against me by those who seek to discredit me. I am saddened by this, as I always had worked to better eAustralia, and Sol in general.

Lastly, many people have questioned me about my plans if I do not win the Prime Ministerial elections. Simply put, they are all up in the air, but one of my goals since joining the ACP was to be able to have a socialist choice in countries globally. It shouldn't be held against me that I have a goal such as this, as it is goals that drive us towards great things.

I just felt like I had to clarify these things, and remember, on the 5th,

Vote Garven Dreis for Prime Minister