Garden of Eden

Day 740, 19:11 Published in USA USA by Mattoze5

As many of you know, just as Josh Frost promised when he was running for POTUS, we are now joining EDEN. Our membership in such group is now active. By the next term of President we will be fully enveloped into the organization. Now as I’ve stated before, although I am all for joining our bros in EDEN, I wish to express my concern.

Now that we are going to join EDEN these are things I am going to do for you:

I am going to take an active role in the organization in order to make sure that it never turns into the next Atlantis. The organization seems quite organized now, but then again, so was Atlantis when it started gaining momentum. If the organization is going to succeed it needs to stay organized and never become lax. We can’t make the same mistakes we made in Atlantis, and we need to make sure that we stay fully connected with our allies in the organization. We can’t have “fall-offs” and we need to make sure that any and all internal conflicts are minimized immediately.

I am also going to make sure that EDEN doesn’t turn into an isolation chamber. There are other countries (some of them former PEACE nations) out there that we could have possible friendships and alliances with such as Italy and France. I don’t want to see EDEN become a hindrance to this. I said before how I would work to get our allies to accept these former PEACE nations, and I meant it 😉 If we are in EDEN, getting these countries accepted as members may be near to impossible. Another possible solution to this may be getting them accepted as “friends of EDEN” or something along those lines, so that we are not held back from expanding our alliances.

We have been given the wonderful opportunity to reenter the Garden of EDEN, but if we dare eat the fruit of that tree again, the consequences could be just as bad as the first time, if not worse. Let’s stay Vigilant

Situation With The UK

Right now our biggest concern is helping Croatia, Finland and Slovania. I believe it should stay that way. Nonetheless though, something is going to have to be done about the UK eventually. They obviously want to be taken over or they wouldn’t have attacked us XD. When the time is right I would concede to the idea of taking the UK over (except for Wales.) In the end I would be compelled to give them back their regions after some negotiations of course. I remember what it was like when we were attacke😛 the thought of never getting the land back or losing the entire country hurts. Although they are our enemies in game, again, the point of my administration is fun 😉 so giving the UK their regions back would be necessary even if it is accomplished “post WWII” style. The point is not to take land but to prevent any more attacking and fighting on their end.

Bridges Program

We’ve got so many people in this country who are willing to help and know this game quite well. One of the major proven reasons why our economy is in such bad shape is because of inability to compete with foreign markets. We can all agree that we want to have more allies. So how does this all fit together? The answer: A bridges program. My idea is that, through voluntary donation by eUS citizens, the group would fund knowledgeable members of the eUSA to go into other countries (of course with their approval) and help foreign new members of the game with any and all needs/concerns. I’m sure this idea has been thought up before, but not to the magnitude I am suggesting it be (which would depend on the amount donated). In the long run, countries that once disliked us may be more willing to cooperate, and countries that currently have control over our markets may be more willing to compete at our level. It is a global change initiative, and just as in the past I think it’ll work to everyone’s advantage, especially our own. Now I’m not saying we go over to other countries and corrupt their people with pro eUSA propaganda. The citizens that agree to help with this program would have to become familiar with the countries they are working in and would have to know what is off limits. Now I know how I would feel if someone came to the eUS suggesting this very same thing: very cautious and concerned. But if they assured me that they were going to learn our methods and train our new citizens as if they themselves were eAmericans, then I would be much more willing to agree. I believe this plan can work and with some help from congress (if I am elected) it would definitely be a considerable reality.

Final Thoughts

I know many of you are unhappy and restless with the thought of us joining EDEN, and believe me I do understand. I am too. But as Otto von Bismarck once said “A government must not waiver once it has chosen its course. It must not look to the left or right but go forward.” I plan to look forward and see how we can continue to aid the circumstances we have been dealt. If you agree I beg of you to consider Aren and myself for POTUS.

Next on the list: ECONOMY!

Continue to keep on eye on I will be linking this article to the site 😉
Primaries will be starting soon as well, you will also be able to find those links on the site.

Thanks for reading, and always remember it’s the person behind the keyboard who counts most of all.

God Bless America,