Gambling... without Dio

Day 448, 10:28 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by William Walker

Today we will inspect Gambling under the aspect of Dioism. This will be the first of a series of '[Something in life]... without Dio'. In these series I will inspect how parts of life are without the blessing of our immortal and holy and omnipresent god Emperor, Dio Brando, blessed be his name in all eternity.

What is gambling? Gambling is a past-time in which you invest your money in horrendous and near impossible odds and hope that you will gain threefold of what you betted. It seems like a worthless cause. However, with the hope and love Dio in your heart and mind, a success is guaranteed, I guarantee it!

Is gambling a sin? Yes, gambling is a sin, if you gamble on or in areas that are not supported by or hosted by Pakistanis. It is also a sin if the gambling is not a sacrifice for Dio (This means you donate gold to Dio Brando and you might get a thank you mail.)

Should I gamble on sites sponsored by Ze do Barreiro? No, never.

So, to conclude it is obvious that all endeavours that are not fueled by the love for Dio by Dio to Dio Brando his holiness in the highest heights, our immortal and omnipotent god Emperor, are doomed to failure.

That is all from our first of the Series '... without Dio?'