Gagon the Great Cajeta Lover's Words of Wisdom

Day 1,424, 10:31 Published in Brazil Indonesia by Gagon The Great Cajeta Lover

Over the course of time, I've observed a few things, and granted that I've been involved in several aspects of this game, I feel that I should share some words of wisdom with you.

Rule One:

This is your life. What you must always remember when playing this game is that you shape the world. No matter what your strength is, how long you have been playing, who you know, or where you are from, you mould the game, your actions have consequences and lasting effects, both temporal and long-lasting.

Rule Two:

You are not your khakis. What does this mean? Basically, you are not what you own. What do I mean by this? Lets say you are MoD or President of your country, do you think this gives you a sense of entitlement over the rest of the citizenry? No. Quite frankly, you are just as equal as everyone else, what sets you apart is how you approach the game and the actions you committ. Just because you have loads of gold or a fancy position of the government means nothing if you are a complete jerk. In addition, keep in mind, you need a base of support to identify with, but do not be partisan, be as multipartistan as you can, without turning your back on your own ideals. Nobody likes a fake.

Rule Three:

Establish a persona. I mean two things by this. Predominately, I mean thatt you should identify which aspect of the game best fits you. Do you have orgasms each time you click fight? Then get involved heavily in the military. Do you like to write? Then be a global media propagandist. Do you like to look at numbers? Explain the economy to people and make some bucks. Secondly, establish an image for yourself. Find something you like and use that as your theme. Personally, I think fight club is awesome and think its philosophy appeals to a wide audience and to myself as well, so I utilize Edward Norton as my persona infused with my own personal touches.

Rule Four:

Choose an e-religion.

For some of you this may be hard to accomplish, since you may be religious in rl. But this is not rl. Distance yourself from your rl self and form an alter ego here. Anyways, every great president (at least in the eUSA) follows some sort of religion. As a Dioist nation, all of the trrble elitists must make a crucial decision, be a Dioist, or be a pig. Unfortunately, many have fallen victims to swinery, but the super-bro awesome presidents are always Dioists. In other countries one may find traces of Dioism, Rotoism, and pig-disgusting sub-religions.

Rule Five:

Stroke your epeen. If you want to be a big, you have to act big once in a while. No one is going to know of all the awesome things you’ve done if no one knows about it. Stroke your epeen for a while, maybe even publish an article to show what you’ve been working on, and get your name out there. Just don’t over do it, no one likes a show-off.

Rule Six:

Befriend foreigners. If you want to be a global player, having an impact on several nations, you need to have connections. Being known in your own country is not enough, you have to talk with people from other countries. Interestingly enough, you may find you like people from other countries more than your own country. Every country has a set mentality as you will soon realize as you mingle, but be weary and respectful of other cultures. Also have patience and take some time to learn their language if you can, even if you can only pick up a few words, it goes a long way.

Rule Seven:

Use art. No one wants to read a huge tl;dr block of text. If you have any skill in photoshop, or even some basic skills in paint, take a few minutes, be creative, and make some art. Images resonate within the minds of people much better than words.

Rule Eight:

Make a meme. Am got meme. Ok not that one, a meme as in, a phrase for yourself. A motto. This is especially effective if you are campaigning. Just ask Pfeiffer Glove is Love is mine. I chose this for two reasons: 1) I am a loving guy usually, unless I feel like trolling; 2) It sounds good, the Glove and Love rhyme, and the phrase is short, so it is easy to remember. Some of you may have seen “Emerick is Great,” “Jazar is War”, these are decent memes as well, but are harder to remember unless you hear it repeatedly.

Rule Nine:

Enjoy yourself. I for one enjoyed the media aspect of this game more than anything, and my all time favorite thing to do is to troll the enemy alliance. Not because I hate them, because I do not hate anyone, but because it fuels tension, and it causes drama. Emotions are stirred up and you see grown men crying like little babies or staying up all night to win a battle. That is what keeps the game interesting. Of course I myself would never feel so passionate about a game, but there are people amongst us that take these pixels,....much too seriously.

Rule Ten:

Yes you can. Never ever ever ever ever let anyone tell you cannot do something because of your age or anything of that nature. If you have the activity, maturity, and willingness to strive and advance yourself, you can do anything. There will be people who will criticize you, how you handle this will determine how you progress in the game. As a rule of thumb, cooler heads prevail, think long term and don’t jeopardize your reputation with a careless short-term decision.