G.I.P. Party President

Day 777, 19:17 Published in Greece Greece by metaman72

You've probably all read that I'm running for Party President for the G.I.P. this month, and some of you reacted to it differently than others.

So far, I've gotten a decent amount of support from some people, which I greatly appreciate, but I've also noticed a whole lot of you guys (and/or girls) don't really want to see me as their Party President.

I realize there will always be people who don't support you, but I kinda want to know why so many of you don't want me to run for P.P. Please post your issues with me in the comments.

I have many new ideas for the G.I.P., which include having only one or two people run for Congress in each region, and getting many of the smaller parties to place their support towards the G.I.P., seeing as how we need as much support as we can get, and that those parties can't get support for themselves.

Another thing is, that many people are worried about someone like me, who doesn't know any Greek, and is only level 17, running for Congress or President of Greece. I don't want you to worry about that, because if I'm Party President, I'll chose more experienced players to run for offices. I won't run for President, or even Congress, because our party will have a better chance to succeed if more experienced people run.

Please post your comments, and tell me what you think about my campaign.
