Future President's statement: For Ireland, once more!

Day 617, 10:36 Published in Ireland Ireland by Nithraldur

Dear Irish citizens (first time, thanks to citizenship),

In light of the most recent event, the most – likely impeachment of soon – to – be former President Starks Hayter, I felt the need to address the nation, as that is the most pressing order of business on my desk. If this impeachment goes through, I will once again be your President, for a couple of days.

In times like these, the troubled eWorld and now with the domestic power struggle, I would like to call for calmness and reason. Reason will be the most important part, to get a clear and objective view on what our current issues are. We can not let our judgement be clouded by inter – party relations and need to be united as one if we are to survive these months and retain our precious Emerald Isle. When we combine this with our ability to remain calm and see things in a relative perspective, we will be able to do some damage control and save what’s left of Ireland. Do not be afraid, it’s not damaged beyond repair, it will just take some more work. We wouldn’t be Irish if we couldn’t handle a setback and come out of it, stronger than before, would we?

I am going to explain quite a few things in just one article, the reason for this will follow at the bottom. So if you would be so kind and sit down with me for a couple of minutes, I assure you that you’ll find it worthwhile.

As you might have already read, I am allowing the VP to stay in his office. All other ministers will also be allowed to stay, except for a few special cases. I have been informed by several deputies and other ministers, that there are a few downsides to some of the men who are currently trying to lead the government. I am not here to criticise those, I am here to make a change. No talk, just actions. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, although they did complete a bundle of work and are working quite fine behind the scenes, they have done so while being impaired. The one supposed to lead this division, has pretty much abandoned his post and left his deputies out to dry. However, the deputy was more than capable to take the helm and has done so outstandingly. Because of that, Mr. Kiemar is hereby relieved of his position and Mr. Bryan O’Shea will be granted the title of Minister rather than Deputy. Congratulations to errmm..both?

By request of the new MoFA, I have moved Mr. Binksy from Intelligence to Foreign Affairs. You all probably know my position on the Intelligence department. If you don’t, I believe an Intelligence department is a very good idea, but it is not effective if managed in public. No nation or person will respond kindly to someone investigating their business and relaying information concerning them. For that reason, I will partially disband Intelligence (or haven’t I? 😉 ) and will redirect the resources used by them to aid our Foreign Affairs. After all, we first need to clean up our own mess before we can even start thinking about involving ourselves in someone else’s, if that is indeed a path we really want to take.

All other Ministers are allowed to stay, for those 5 days we have left. Changing too many things now, will cause more disarray and trouble than what we already have. This is a time to excercise damage control and not instigate even more. We must now form a unified front and present ourselves to the eWorld, as a nation that had lost it’s way but has now once again seen ‘the light’ and is back on track on becoming a player of the international scene. First things first though, getting our own **** together.

Now, on to something more practical..

I’ll be offering guidelines and policies to the men that are still working for the government. It’s pretty obvious the previous one didn’t do the trick. Mine aren’t all that different, especially not now since we have 5 days left. This little amount of time can’t be used to start anything extremely productive and so, I will just mend the most important injuries we have and stabilise our patient, Ireland.

Things already done today: offer policies, design the NAP that is supposed to protect Ireland from the PEACE countries it shares borders with. I also give credit to Mr. O’Shea for establishing such good foreign contacts in order to get my contract pushed through.

Mr. Brian Boru has been trying to lead the Ministry of Finance. I will not comment on his actions or plan, I will just ask him to straighten out what has gone wrong, and fulfill his duty until a new President gets elected. I’m sure you can agree with me, that in 5 days time you can’t turn the economy around. If we are to change what plans you have drawn up, we are to wait for the next Presidential elections so we have a full 30 day term to go at it. In short, no drastic changes are allowed during these 5 days, aside from trying to stabilise our current moneyflow.

Foreign Affairs
The thing that has been bothering Ireland for the entire term of Mr. Hayter. I know many wish to support the eUSA in the fight against PEACE and vice versa. Well, allow me to get one thing clear. In this conflict, for the time being, Ireland is NEUTRAL and will remain like this until we really have another option at our disposal, that will NOT lead to our own demise. As much as I myself favour the eUSA, it is just not healthy for us to support them in any way. Irish rogue units have already organised themselves on American soil, that are not government endorsed. If you feel strongly about helping them out, feel free to fly over and join their regiment. We will also not side with PEACE. Personally I do not like the entire attitude they present, but that is aside the real question, my personal motivations have no place in this and will not be the path that Ireland will take. If Ireland decides one way or the other, it will be done through congress and congress alone. So again, in short, Ireland remains neutral in this conflict and offers no official assistance to either side.

In order to allow us to protect ourselves a bit more, I have personally written up a Non – Agression Pact, that will be put through congress very shortly and presented to the Presidents of countries that border us. This should make sure that we can retain our sovereignity and obtain the necessary time to straighten our own country out. This is absolutely my prior concern. I do not wish for our beautiful island to be swallowed by the musky jaws of the superpowers.

The same goes for this Ministry. Keep up the work you are doing and what you have planned. I’m sure you can’t work miracles in 5 days time either. I would recommend getting more visible though, so people know where to go and what to ask and under what conditions they fall. I would also like to see more developments of the state housing, or at least, more information spread around so our citizens are informed.

Information & Community
Nothing to add here, keep up the good job!

Society & Politics
Once again, a thorn in my eye. Now is not the time to squabble over our petty differences. Now is a time to become one. If we present a shattered front to our possible agressors, how are we expected to thwart them if we can’t even hold our own? All the Irish should learn to co – operate and get rid of any biased party politics when allowed to take a position of significance. You work for the people, not for yourself and not for your party. You work for the whole of Ireland and you will listen to the people. Be it IUP, ISRP, IFP, IF, IRP or APS, I do not care what party you hail from. You are all sons and daughters of Ireland and her you will serve.

I noticed several people have already started attacking eachother for the next month elections. This will get you nowhere. In fact, it will put you back in the spot we were before the impeachment took place. Do you not learn from your mistakes? This has to end and it will end now. Time to show the world, the Ireland CAN and WILL stand together and take on all the problems this game presents us with, together. Nobody here is your enemy, they merely have different views but all want the same thing, what’s best for Ireland.

Come together on middle ground and work up your policies from there, work on trusting eachother and relying on eachother. Cover for eachother where needed and have Ireland become a well – oiled machine that wishes to offer it’s citizens a better place to live.

Encourage people to take part of the politics and sign up on your party forums. Have those advertisements around and profile your party, in a positive way. There is no need to attack other party’s when trying to make yourselves look good, this doesn’t even work. Outline what you stand for, do not tell people why they should not take a different path. Do not try to convince them that they are wrong if they chose a different path than you, if they really made a personal mistake, time will tell them. Joining a different party and adopting another perspective isn’t a life threatening action, it happens, daily.

And now on to something many will like and many will not like…

Personal statement
As much as I am..euhm..pleased to be ‘elected’ for these 5 days, I must cough up something. After not being voted in Office at the start of this month, I went ahead as planned and booked my – real life – vacation.

You can already guess it can’t you? Don’t lynch me for this, as it’s you, the voters, who chose to get the other guy. If it was me that you got elected, I’d have left a tad later, it wouldn’t have matter for those couple of days since I actually have vacation until somewhere late September. But alas, this wasn’t the case, ergo, my official vacation starts the 31st of July and will last until the 31st of August. Quite long you say? Suspicious? Not at all, for those who know me longer, they know that I always take a month of leave each year around August, since it’s my only vacation during the whole year.

We’ve voted in the wrong guy to take over? You could say that or you couldn’t. I’ve contacted the necessary people in the government, about how I see things and about how I want them to be. This may not be the ultimate goal that many of you had at the start of this month, but it will have to do and it will make sure Ireland doesn’t fall into a deeper hole than it already is.

My guidelines will help the Ministers to uphold some of the policies. I also have a couple of trustworthy and very active peole around here, that will help ‘enforce’ the policies. They will make themselves known through articles, but you can already guess who those people will be. I am not biased, nor am I partisan. Those people merely are the ones that I can most easily get in touch with, even while on vacation where I have minimal to almost no time at all to spend on eRepublik. This is not to be taken as any sign of endorsement or part of a campaign, not at all.

I hope that not too many are disappointed. I would love to give it 100% for those 5 days, but I simply can’t for reasons I previously stated. After all, it wasn’t me who you voted in. Other than that, you went without a President for 25 days, I guess you can manage for a couple more hours, with capable people still being led by me, but from a distance. Orders have been issued and will be carried out, I have the utmost faith in that.

And finally..
If there are Ministers of citizens with urgent questions or in need of advice, do not hesitate to contact me. I will respond for as much as I am capable. If I got any spare time, I will gladly respond, without any hesitation. I am here to help you and Ireland, through this rough period so you can elect a new active President within a couple of days. Hold fast, Ireland, we’ll get out of this! Together!

I couldn’t resist, a personal touch: