Future Military Organization

Day 1,112, 10:49 Published in Belgium Belgium by Ruz1

My future plan of military organization is an idea that I would discuss it and business in tomorrow, so I put on the forum discussions and plans for the future Bélgica.Este military modernization some will not like because, well ... not like to play to give orders.

Giving orders is not our army, is fighting against the enemy's ally and if we are attacked defend because someday ... any country will come to attack us ... It therefore submitted that if they do or not.
There is a plan for military future, we need a budget that must give Congress and the presidency, little money ... but something to eat and have weapons ... I am not a war that fix something but there are many people who want to go to war ... and could provide opportunities for others (beginners) want to go to war and thus have the necessary as food and good weapons

On 25 to go to Congress this me, I'd like to take this plan for discussion and vote, like so many ... ((If I win)).I am someone who wants good protection because ultimately there will be major battles for food and materials ... why do this project ... I hope you amount because I want everyone to have good salaries ... a house for his work and excellent protection both inside and outside the country ... so I'm proud to be Belgian erepublik, a fabulous country that does not make war.

I maybe one day I ran for president in Belgium, now try to take my goals to the conference and adopt them for a good life better, I am a person imaginativa.Espero win by the Communist Party.

Regards, Ruz1
