FunnY - Warning, Important Information Inside!

Day 178, 20:55 Published in Japan Pakistan by WaseemK

Couple things I wanted to mention...:

I am looking for an assistant to assist me with my government work.
This assistant must be honest, Trustworthy, liable, and must be more than 2 weeks old since Date of Birth..
Send me a PM if interested.

Today Japan grew 11 citizens. 22 born today/11 Died... Not Bad!

The Bushido Party grew to over 60 members. Last week it stood at roughly 48. Thats quite the increase.. And then you have the Wonderful: National Party of Japan. If you want to run for mayor, join my party. Unless your in the same region..

I will now start my own trend, by capitalizing the last letter of every article title.

I have taken over Serenity Housing..
Being Owner of iSupply..
The Black Hair project will be introduced soon...(name has nothing to do with it)

If you know anyone that would like to play eRepublik make sure you send them an invite.. I would consider this a Golden Era for New/Old Citizen looking for a job.
As I am looking for Workers... Both Housing and Food(iSupply Co.)

And now to the Main Event... (Drum roll please!) Please read! Good value within.
...My Article!

Funny people we are, children who always break their toys and then howl for years. Eventually, fed up and hoping that the children have matured some guardians fix the toy and give it back to them.

They start breaking it again. Aghast, the guardians throw up their hands in despair. Our little horrors should know that if they break the toy this time, they may never get it back. Now there is no going back.

But then again, we are people of the past not the future. We revile the living and idolize the dead - necrophiliacs. We make heroes out of zeroes and zeroes out of heroes. We have long lost the ability to differentiate between the right and the wrong, good and evil. We focus on personalities instead of institutions, criticize predecessors instead of dazzle with performance. We have neither agenda nor strategy, only wish lists. Thus we cannot even begin to comprehend, leave alone address our multitudinous problems.

Speechifying doesn’t do once you’re in a hot seat, only results and delivery. Neither will falling back on old nostrums and ancient homilies which we have heard umpteen times. Instinctively knowing our shortcomings and failings, we get defensive the moment we hit the hot seat and start playing the excuse game, preparing for future failure by blaming the past even before we have started. It’s an old disease that afflicts people without a coherent worldview or belief system, without destination or direction.

So if those who are in a position of power, really want to make history by making this a genuinely new dawn, they should forget rhetoric. Let reality dawn!
They have to sublimate their hang-ups and stop being hostage to pressure groups and self-gin with, interested lobbies that go in the guise of “civil Society.”
