Ft. Knox, part yet again

Day 435, 19:27 Published in USA USA by Hurling

For starters, how 'bout denying this?

[Once again the disclaimer: this is IRC and I have no way to confirm the actual identity of any poster's nick.]


oi Moishje
I admitted my guilt today
but cheers to you for reppin'
well done
how the legal system SHOULD work*
meh - no one has any idea 🙁
I did an expose', it'll be nice.
well, moishe seems like one of the
few adults here
who understands how justice works i guess
It took me long enough -chuckles-


enjoy the ban franco
admins won't do siht.

Whois query:

=== Franco “New Now Know How”
=== Franco: member of #CHoldings, #/v/akistan, and ~#us
=== Franco: attached to *.rizon.net “Where are you?”
=== Franco has identified for this nick
--- End of WHOIS information for Franco.