Ft. Knox heist

Day 434, 19:13 Published in USA USA by Hurling

Looks like we need to ask Brazil to annex us. [/end sarcasm[

[All following attributions are to IRC nicks. IRC and I have no way of confirming that IRC nicks correspond to eRep user names or to anyone in real life.]

I was lurking on IRC earlier and Franco freely admitted to hijacking the forums after he was widely accused of robbing Ft. Knox. The sequence of events there is significant. He appeared to submit to an interview with Chris (admin?). He consistently denied looting the treasury.

Later amid the clutter of chat gibberish, a user Alee_Ann managed a non-emotional exchange in which Franco agreed to sleep on it and not go nuclear on our forum. Alle (credibly claimed to be a lawyer) did a wonderful job as impartial mediator. We all owe her [?] a debt of gratitude for defusing the tension and arriving at a reasonable compromise. Film at eleven.

Since then Franco has returned to IRC #us and more or less bragged about the mayhem. My gut feeling is that he is a very young person impressed with our opinion of his power and skill. I don’t think he’s smart enough to have done this, but he is emotionally needy enough to want us to believe that he did.

Who did this is not the critical issue in the short run. Recovering our treasury and implementing effective controls is far more important to our survival and success.

Perhaps coincidentally, all of my personal gold and USD disappeared for a few hours this morning. Not that one was converted to another, but both balances went to zero. I submitted a message to the admins and later today all was restored. Someone else on IRC recounted a similar story.

We may simply have another bug from the latest "upgrade". We may have a hacker. I don't think that at this moment we have a good idea what happened.I do worry that we're about to get clobbered by well-financed opportunistic enemies in our time of weakness.

I'm not predicting it, but I am worried.