Frost/Woxan for November: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow

Day 715, 06:59 Published in USA Poland by Battle Kitten

With the presidential election fast approaching, I felt it was time for me to write one remaining article to express my views and opinions to the American public, rather than giving my opponents the opportunity to attempt to define me and what I stand for. Most of you who read my platform know that I am in favor of a better educated populace and that I believe this can be done by the proper recruitment and training of mentors along with an actual curriculum for new players to learn from. You also know that I am in favor of trying to create a self sustaining military to lessen the costs to the government and to make sure that our military is always properly supplied. The one area of my platform that seems to have been misconstrued is my beliefs in regards to foreign policy. In order to explain my attitude and stance on these issues I want to give a brief history of where we were, where we are, and where we should be going now that the eUSA is back on its feet.

Back when I was just a young player, like many of those reading this article there were two pre-eminent powers in the world. They were Romania and Indonesia. The eUSA, although filled with much potential, was to a great extent disorganized and focused solely on a role playing type agenda in both our domestic and foreign affairs. We had big dreams, but neither the power nor the organization to pull them off. We invaded France and failed, we then invaded Mexico and failed, and lastly we invaded Russia and that too failed. Despite the power and strength of our allies and our military we never could cross the barrier to ensure ourselves a victory of note.

In the process of all of these invasion we opened up our fair share of MPP's that nearly was the undoing of this nation and to a lesser extent put the well being of our allies at risk also. We saw our country along with Canada and Spain slowly wiped off the map. Every defeat was compounded by another defeat and there were very few days where things did not look grim to say the least. Russia had a piece of us, Indo had a piece of us, Hungary had its share, Portugal had a nice chunk, and even Columbia through the help of Mexico got to take a shot at us. Through a long and arduous process we along with Canada and Spain slowly fought our way back from extinction with the help of our amazingly loyal and dedicated allies and recaptured our territories till we were whole again.

Today, we are widely considered one of the most powerful countries in the world and we owe an incredible debt of gratitude to every country that fought on our side and made sure that there was a United States of America for us to rest our e-heads when we log off every night. Despite the fact that we have won back our territories and have attained a measure of security, we must never become complacent and operate under the illusion that our former enemies are going to beat their swords into plowshares and become our friends. PEACE's recent actions in Croatia serve as reminder to us of their intentions and what they hope to accomplish. Multitudes of territories are currently held by PEACE nations against their will and with no hope of liberation in sight and our adversaries although wounded are far from defeated.

In order to ensure the survival of ourselves and our allies we must remain loyal and true to the allies and ideals that have carried us this far. There is an old saying: "You dance with the girl that brung ya". This saying is never more true than today. The fundamental question every American has to ask themselves is what do you want and expect from this game. Right now, we are powerful and have allies that are willing to fight by our side to the death. Some in this country advocate a Pan-American alliance. . . an alliance with many of the enemies who tried to put an end to us a few short months ago.

Now, I am all in favor of better relations with all countries whether they be in our hemisphere or elsewhere in the world. Peaceful relations, however, do not mean that we need to ally ourselves with nations that have been openly hostile to us until just recently, especially if it means it is to the detriment of our allies that have been loyal to us for months. Slowly some nations are becoming disenchanted with PEACE and we can reach out to them and offer them a genuine chance at building a new relationship with no strings attached in terms of alliances. Being in a wide array of alliances means that we ultimately will have to decide what master we will have to serve. A simple policy of peaceful coexistence with other countries in this hemisphere can suffice rather than fully getting into bed with those who have actively worked against us and in turn neglecting the allies who have proven themselves by standing by us when standing by us was no easy thing to do.

All of this said, no matter who is elected, we MUST continue to confront the Indonesian and Hungarian threat, and the rising threat presented by Russia and Serbia, at every turn. As I type this, they are busy recruiting new players, with the promise that they will humble us, and conquer our ally Croatia. To stop this takes firm, decisive action on our part. This does not mean that we will become warmongers or imperialists. It does, however, mean that we will do whatever is necessary to make sure that occupied territories are liberated and that our enemies are unable to harm either us or our allies. If we let down our guard and assume that the fight is over we will soon find ourselves in a similar predicament to the one we were in two months ago: surrounded by enemies, our states conquered, desperately hanging on, instead of assertively taking our place on the world stage. The time to prevent that is now. The time to act is now. The time to show our true friends that they made the right choice in standing by us, when the easier choice was to abandon us, is now.