Frontline Austria

Day 384, 11:57 Published in Austria United Kingdom by Kretschmar

Fakkel from the Netherlands sent the article published by the Courier to all newspapers - his letter reads:
I saw that you are a newspaper owner which is a great responsibility. I believe that when there is a danger of loosing freedom and sovereignty it is the duty of the world's newspaper to inform the people about the threat. I want to ask you something. I do not demand. This is just an ask. Would you be one of the newspaper that publish my warning to your people that the freedom and the sovereignty of the states of Europe is in danger. They are in a cramp and that cramp is made of Romania and Spain. I ask you to publish this little text and the link under them to inform the people that we cannot be insouciant, we cannot make place for carelessness. We have to stand against this threat. So as I said. If you want to help echoing this message by putting it into one of your article's bottom, if you agree with this campaign for freedom, please help.

Scuttlebut's reply to Fakkel is:
Yes - in Austria we already know this! We are in the frontline - Romania has tried a political coup, is undermining our economy and could invade us any day.

So - it is good that you in the Netherlands recognise the danger, but can you get your government to help us. How about an MMP? How about the donation of some raw materials? How about sending some citizens to live in Austria?