From the International Desk, Day 2,281

Day 2,281, 17:00 Published in Ireland Ireland by Mercurius100

Today we have news from Mexico and an interview with the CP of Brazil.

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India Reporter Real Steel 3 recently sat down with Brazil CP NikoIa Tesla to discuss both domestic and international matters in a changing eWorld.

Real Steel 3: What is the role of small countries in the game like erepublik where some superpower countries dominate the whole play??

NikoIa Tesla: Their role is not only assist and be peons, is much more deeper than that, their influence is underestimated by the super nations, because their so IN the global system that they influence as much as any bigger, think with me, a dozen of little countries starts RW in a bigger country! you can guess the result
smaller countries needs to have a good inter-relationship and proud of itself even when bad times come.

Read the full interview in SOS INDIA here.

Reporting from Mexico is camarada bruno.

Hi world!

My name is Bruno, and I gonna deliver to you all the news coming from Mexico

Now I gonna give you a quick brief of Mexico’s political situation: Mexico’s current president is AndresGplay member of the PNM, this presidential elections had a small difference (only 8 votes) Mexico's historical enemy is Colombia and in recent times we have had several issues with our ex-bff Venezuela, we don’t have active wars in our territory.

Well, talking about the Mexico's place in the new alliances, couple weeks ago Mexico's population had an intense debate about which side choose: SPoland & friends or an hypothetical alliance with Chile-Argentina & and most of the LatAm countries. This hypothetical latin american alliance would have Spain and US as enemies but a lack of interest of the governments, the wish to keep old allies, and some issues like the position about Brazil (Mexico’s ally) screwed up this theoretical alliance.

Now a days we joint in SPoland orbit, we already sign with most of SPoland friends like Turkey; this means that Mexico will fight sooner or later against some LatAm countries.

More recommended reading: MICTLAN NEWS

Thanks for reading today’s edition. We’ll be back next time with more news bulletins from reporters around the world.