From the Democratic Party (Part III)

Day 203, 07:13 Published in USA Thailand by Bl1ndn3ss

As promise these are the answers of the candidates (Each article will be a different candidate).

The third to respond is: Archibald

"Q: Now that our economy has stabilized and seems to be growing what are your views of the future? What lies ahead? Do you have a plan for the future?
A: I am serving as our nation"s economic advisor. I would like to ensure that our current economic growth continues by actively monitoring our tax rates and the value of the dollar. I like to look at each industry on an individual basis to determine the concerns and trends that are facing that industry.

Q: With almost all hospitals being Q1 or Q2 what do you intend to do to raise the quality of our hospitals?
A: I feel that we already have an adequate plan for our nation"s hospitals. We have already placed our first Q4 hospital in Austin and may yet place a few more. Once complete, we can export Q4 hospitals to other countries.

Q: Where do you see the US/CAN relationship going?
A: I would like to see the US/Can relationship maintain a non-hostile neutrality. We don"t have to be the best of friends, but I would like to think we have moved past our differences.

Q: With our rising economy and with some of the companies producing some surplus do you think that an agreement for exportation is the best thing to do? Or do you think we should save for the future in case we might need it?
A: We must strike a fine balance between exportation and maintaining a surplus for a rainy day. I believe we should vigilantly look for new countries to sign trade agreements with, especially as a means to support our allies.

Q: What are your thoughts on the Germany/Poland war?
A: The Germany/Poland war was an interesting case because we ended up fighting against our allies, the Pakistani. Still, I feel it is important that other countries understand that we will honor our MPPs.

Q: The citizens are losing interest in politics do you have anything planned to bring them back to the political life?
A: To interest citizens in politics, I would like to actively work with Q1 company owners to be notified when new players join the game, so that we can welcome them and help them understand ways to play successfully.

Q: Why should you be the president of our party?
A: I believe I should be party president because I can offer the advantage of experience. I spent a significant amount of time as an employee before becoming a company owner, so I have seen both sides of the economy. I also make a point of keeping up to date on what is going on. I believe I have a solid understanding of how this game works, and I believe I can impart that understanding to others whom I interact with.

Thank you for taking the time to do this. I think it was a great idea."

As always I appreciate Archibald's time and patience to answer my questions.
