From Russia With Disgust

Day 665, 10:13 Published in USA USA by Nero Preto
USA, 10:13 (Sep15) | Day 665 of the New World


From Russia With Disgust
Recent I and a couple of friends went to Russia as part of our commitment to an organization. I tend to observe a lot, taking in everything I see and hear. And while in Russia I observed some peculiar things. First, being a military man, I went to the local military base. Expecting to see well built Russian men training for the upcoming assault on Florida I was surprised to see boys as young as 16 in military uniform and men as old as 58 trying their best to keep up with their instructors. This led me to realize that contrary to PEACE propaganda the war was taking a much bigger toll on the Russian population then admitted by the government, it seems that American fields are littered with Russian dead.

Next I went to a local restaurant to try some Russian cuisine. I ordered the fried Arctic Cod with a side of baked shrimp cake. 30 minutes later I was given a bowl of soup which tasted like cardboard and told that fish, fruits, red meat became luxuries only enjoyed by the Russian "Emperor" and instead of the 1978 red wine I asked for I was given the ever popular Vodka, Russian markets may be experiencing some shortages but they wont live without their Vodka, even if its a bit watered down. After forcing my meal down my throat we took the 30 minute drive back to the hotel, however about half way there we where stopped by two KGB officers looking for Americans, I always told Bob that smoking would kill him but this time it saved us all, they each took two Marlboro cigarette packs.

One thing that I was impressed with was the infrastructure, the roads seemed to be in shape, bridges, highways etc all seemed to be well taken care of, that is until the snow melted. With the snow gone the true face of Russia was shown, pavement was nowhere to be seen, highways where avoided when ever possible (not just by us but by the Russians themselves, all valued their lives too much to risk it). Bridges where being held in place by some magical power because there definitely wasn't enough steel or concrete to hold them up. They shacked like there was an earthquake in progress whenever we had to cross one. There where almost daily protests against media crack down by the government, apparently free speech is a privilege not a right in Russia.

All this helped me remember why we are fighting, why we cant give up, why we must hold our ground and fight to the last man. We not only fight for freedom today but also for a better tomorrow, one without the ravages that imperialism brings to a country.

Long live America.

Quote of the day: "Never give in, never, never, never, in nothing great or small large or petty, never give in except to convictions of honor and good sense. Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy." - Sir Winston Churchill, Speech, 1941, Harrow School.
-Ingo Castilho-

Editor's Corner - Thank the Critic
Even if someone is harsh and rude, thank them. They might have been having a bad day, or maybe they’re just a negative person in general. But even so, your attitude of gratitude will probably catch them off-guard. Thanking a critic can actually win a few of them over. All because of a simple act of saying thank you for the criticism. It’s unexpected, and often appreciated. And even if the critic doesn’t take your “thank you” in a good way, it’s still good to do — for yourself. It’s a way of reminding yourself that the criticism was a good thing for you, a way of keeping yourself humble--not cocky.

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They'll Never Take Me Without a Fight

Kindest regards,
Ingo Castilho ~ official writer & reporter
Nero Preto ~ press director & publishing editor