From India With Love

Day 2,856, 00:48 Published in Spain India by Ashwamaedh

Saludos to all our friends in Spain!

I write on behalf of the eIndian Government as a reporter in our Media Ministry. eIndia has been in slumber since a while and we have suffered from the usual apathy that small nations go through. Since the last fortnight though, we have been rejuvenated by the reappearance of a number of players who had quit playing in the past. In addition to this, our successful rebellions against Romania have served as a rallying point for all of us and has given us renewed belief in our fighting force.

We are thankful to our big bros, Bulgaria for always being by our side but will never forget the help a number of nations have given us in times of need.

We have been helped a lot by Spain in the past and can never forget the efforts of Juan.Fco who was an active presence in india for quite a while (and indeed was our numero uno tank!)

Yesterday our D4 fighters got together and fought hard to help Spain win the battle of Basque Country against the French. Our fighters from D4 all came forward and put in as much damage as was possible. It was a pleasant surprise to see 3 of our fighters listed in the top 5, standing shoulder to shoulder with some of the top tanks in the business! 🙂

This was our way of not only thanking our old friends but also letting them know that we will be there to support when a critical battle beckons.

Hoping that this is the start of a long lasting brotherhood like we have with our Bulgarian bros!

Por el honor y la gloria o7