From Bad to Worse

Day 949, 03:25 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Dr Duncan

Yesterday, I wrote a funny article about the mess-up regarding the Netherlands incident. Yesterday it was funny, today it is just stupid.

I wake up this morning and see this in my news fee😛

Now, I think, although it is too late for me, it is good to see by beloved North West (well Liverpool really...) can’t even be taken back from Holland. I wander up there with the smell of poppies and marijuana still hanging in the air and wonder if Manchester has improved too. It is then that I notice my dad complaining and I think it could only be one thing: the Poles are here.

Everything seems f**ked up by one eRepublik bug.

I checked the map:

It was true, the Poles were here. I then noticed the lighter shade of blue: oh shi-

Now, it appears to me that these bugs have opened up the whole of the eUK to attack. I can’t help but read Polio’s article ( and think he’s right. Why the hell do we put up with incompetentness? He cites Western Australia and he is right. He cites USA’s failure to DoW and he’s right.

When there is an issue with players cheating the admins act very quickly; think Norway 3 months ago when eUK took a region as a result of a Norway PTO. We put a hospital in there and then the admins acted, gave the region back with OUR hospital. I'm not complaining about this as cheaters should never prosper, but...

Skip to two days ago. Woldy stays up all night to pull off what is expected to be a good tactical switcheroo. Then there is no retreat button. Have the admins done anything? No, because when it is Admin error, they just stick their fingers in their ears and start whistling.

I don’t know the game well enough to say what should happen, but what I do know is this: If eUK loses more and more regions because of one bug that the Admins hadn’t fixed, I’m not the only one who is going to be complaining.