from an IRANIAN citizen: MARK MY WORDS ALL...

Day 715, 05:50 Published in Iran Iran by Silver Viper

first of all please read and vote this article: deleted now, but ill keep the link anyway

now u know what the hell is going on in here... as an iranian citizen i can not be quiet about this damn thing. its BULLSHIT! u cannot limit us cos some damnish real government has limited us as they think so.

all the things i have to say to our DEAR admins is to mark my words, admins and all of citizens who agree with them:

*(whole sentence censored, i dont want to insult anybody. i was very angry so, sorry)*

if u want to limit us this way, then u must delete IRAN from this DAMN GAME. cos if it wants to go on such a damnish way, there will be no IRANIAN citizen in this country, i assure u.

MARK MY WORDS... dont do something that hurts urself more than us.