Frivolous Lawsuits are So Much Fun

Day 485, 23:15 Published in USA USA by Robert Bayer

Since the elegal system opened on the eUS forums, a number of claims have been filed.

The first of these cases seems to be Harrison Richardson v. Alby, in which Mr. Richardson brings charges against Alby for the following reasons:

Libel defamation
Advanced douchebaggery
Posting of dumbass pictures without permission
Posting of dumbass pictures with permission
Claiming idiotic government conspiracies
Committing the September 11th attacks

As we can all see, these charges are ridiculous, and, ironically, bordering on defamation of character.

Somehow, Richardson won the case. While patently ridiculous, I found it kind of awesome, because it gave me grounds to file similarly insane lawsuits such as Bayer v. Bayer, in which I bring claims against myself for "being a dick, generally" and, in the next sentence, a counterclaim in which I sue for "defamation of character".

I also brought a number of other cases.

I think one of my favorite was Robert Bayer v. Harrison Richardson, in which I ask the court for an injunction against Richardson on behalf of the English language, on the basis that the "English language is about to suffer immediate and irreparable damages, and...given the fact that his abuse thereof is causing me emotional distress". I asked for a temporary restraining order to prevent him from causing further harm to my language while the case took place, as well as a permanent injunction requiring him to use spellecheck if I won.

What made me quite angry, however, was when, in a bout of douchey homophobia, Joeyhens1 filed Joeyhens1 v. Kyle321n in which he accused the defendant of, among other things, "being gay" and "pedophilia". I filed a defamation claim on behalf of gay people in Robert Bayer v. Joeyhens1.

Follow the fun here, folks!