FRIK YEA AMURKA (edited for admins pleasure)

Day 1,113, 05:44 Published in USA USA by CaptJustice

Greetings my minions, manservants, golems, and loyal readers. I'm contacting you today because I realized something. I was sitting in my lavish congressional office in my italian leather chair sipping on some top notch single malt scotch when my mind wandered to the great battles of WWIII.

My Office, minus the hookers

Oh how great those times were, down to a single region, fighting to maintain the last bastion of sweet, tropical, Floridian Independance, upholding American Sovereignty, not just for us, no, but for the good of the Free World!
Well maybe I'm embellishing a tad, but nonetheless there is no one who doesn't agree that the end of WWIII wasn't our finest hour, and that the whole war wasn't the most fun thing we've played.

So I came to thinking... what made it so great? Was it getting stomped out by Russia, Portugal, Hungary, and others because they were jealous of our freedom? Being betrayed by the UK over their jealousy of our dentistry? Well, yes in some ways. The excitement of the battles and the emotion involved in losing our country was the exact thing we needed to push us to fight harder for it, and to improve sevenfold our understanding and use of game mechanics.

You may recall the epic battle for Manitoba. Picture courtesy of Aeros, used without permission.

However, this was not the true reason. Nay, I say that the camaraderie, the friendships forged, the trust earned, and the powerful singular mission uniting this great nation was the best thing that ever happened to us. We were well informed of the situation and we all gave it everything we had to fight back, from the newest 2-clicker to the biggest tank. We had characters like Eugene Harlot, infamous beyond myth and able to rally the nation by their name alone. We found unity in the fact that we were one country, one people fighting the oppressive forces we found ourselves beset on all sides by.

And you know what? We won. We got a baby boom. We flourished. And we are still Great.

While the new rules and modules may mean we never have a war quite as epic as this, I don't believe that such a Golden Age is completely inconceivable. I think a few things need to change in order to bring it about, and I fully trust that the people we elect to lead this country will do their best to make it happen.

The most important thing in my opinion is media presence of the government. I can only comment on behalf of congress, and let me tell you its a pretty boring scene to report. Tax discussion, grammar fixes in the constitution, budget discussion. We do a job that is important to the nation and we do it well, but this is not what most of you want to read about. That said I will be writing an update on congressional proceedings at least once per week from now until I leave office.

I think a close connection with the JCS and Department of Defense is a primary factor in retention and interest in the game. I can't do much about this, but we have great people in both of these areas and I'm sure they are doing their best. The problem is with the current system having so many battles open, it became hard to make any one of them seem entirely interesting. The Battle for Java was fairly entertaining, and received plenty of media attention, which is what I'm after. Hopefully the new war module rules will help this situation.

Another thing is having a strong media presence from the President. With our newly elected feline Josh Frost taking office, I have no doubt that this will be the least of my worries. Mr. Frost had a fantastic newspaper last time he was in office and I await its return. The government that will take root in the White House under Mr. Frost promises to be a very productive and exciting one, and while I would have loved to see new blood take hold with CRoy, we can all safely gather behind and support Frost as our POTUS. The nation is in safe hands.

And last but not least, our allies are very precious. Fighting side by side with our Bro's and our other EDEN pals was a very fulfilling and encouraging experience. In recent days we've become somewhat distanced from most of our allies, especially in the media. Australia has fallen completely, Ireland has many occupied regions, and now even our lover Canada has lost regions to France and the UK. While our military policy is directed to its best effect by the JCS and the great white ape, and they will fight as is most appropriate for our nation and allies, I do find the lack of media uproar uncharacteristic of the old Brolliance.
These are our closest allies, our brethren, our lovers, and our sex slaves. We must not allow them to fall, for we will surely follow close behind.

I think this nation has seen some amazing times, I don't think we've seen all it has to offer. I'm confident we are moving towards a Pax Americana of epic proportions (united american continents anyone?), and as with freeing ourselves during WWIII, getting there is half the fun.
