Friendship and Politics

Day 536, 16:14 Published in Japan Japan by Tadahito Kato
Yes, I have "befriended" Hitoshi Makoto. Whether or not you want to call it a "neutral hostile" gesture, it is, in fact, just a simple friendly expression. Hitoshi had been a friend of mine until about four months ago, when I decided to run for Party President of the Bushido. I was no longer his "friend."

Is there anything wrong with a Vice Party President befriending a member, a candidate befriending his opponent, or simply a member befriending his colleague? I feel like Hitoshi's understanding of friendship is extremely distorted. It seems like he believes it is synonymous with "political partnership." There really is not.

Hitoshi wants me to talk about what is important in this election, and so I will be discussing my plans. I hereby declare my Liberal Party President candidacy.

I am going to continue what Seixo and I have been working on: increase the activeness of members, the size of the party, and the strength of the center-left. And to be honest, those really are the only things a Party President can do.

So instead I will be providing some commentary on Hitoshi's plans. Just changing the name of the party will not do anything. His two terms as "United Bushi of Nihon" Party President proves my point clearly. In addition, a hierarchy within a party weakens efficiency and a Vice Party President is enough.

Hitoshi's vision of a spoils system is also flawed, we should not be appointing only members of our own party to the majority of the national cabinet. There are many more talented politicians out there who could do a better job. We need to think above party lines.

So what exactly am I going to do if elected? Actually, let us talk about what I am NOT going to do. I am not going to blatantly attack a candidate who runs against me in the next election. I am not going to brag about the pureness of my eJapanese blood. I am not going to talk about moving to eTaiwan every other day. I am not going to encourage internal party takeovers. Fair enough?

Tadahito Kato
Vice Party President of the Liberal Party of Japan