FREEDOM! (and of course hot bartender pic)

Day 2,351, 21:20 Published in USA USA by PilotPhil

I regained consciousness somewhere in Bulgaria missing a sock, a combat boot and nursing the most magnificent hangover the world has ever seen. I am having a hard time remembering what happened this week but I have horrible visions of evil bunnies with machine guns, eating way too many carrots, and curling up with a bottle of whatever was available at the end of every day. I remember lots of rockets and bazookas and the magnificent failure of a resistance war I helped start in Israel.

Usually when I get my ass kicked that badly my memories are vivid and I savor every moment of the semireality that has become my eLife. This time is different. This time is hazy. This time I struggle to recall what has transpired over the last few days. Those damn bunnies fell at my feet all bloody and covered with matted fur. Each time another rose to take its place and it too fell. Why do I do this to myself? Why all the clicking and clacking?

I asked my bartender. She poured me another shot and said…

“Listen honey, I just work here, I don’t know what your fu**ing problem is, just don’t leave without paying your tab.”

That seemed a little harsh to me. After all, I was just back from the wars and all I really wanted was a short respite from the blood and violence and visions of rabbit parts flying about. The shot of rakia did nothing to put my mind as ease, but it did calm me enough to look back and remember how my little band of friends and warriors charged into battle gloriously. How we were so foolhardy as to think that we could free another long oppressed land from the grip of its evil overlords. We fought and struggled and bled for those that yearned to be free. To rid another’s land of those that would enslave them. We failed. Miserably.

Or did we? Did we stand together as one and say “You will not oppress these people!” Did we stand together as brothers and sisters and scream from the top of our lungs, “with every part of our being we will fight for freedom!” We did. And we will continue to do so. The Socialist Freedom Party and The Bear Cavalry may have started and lost one of the most lopsided resistance wars in recent memory but we will be back and we will never stop fighting for FREEDOM! Come take a look and join us today if you have the will to fight for those that yearn to be free.

Socialist Freedom Party
Bear Cavalry