Free the press!

Day 429, 10:50 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Sir Digby Chicken-Caesar
"Our liberty depends on the freedom of the press, and that cannot be limited without being lost."
- Thomas Jefferson
1743 - 1826
Third President of the United States

Dear admins:

I would like to know, in plain and simple language, why the freedom of the press has now become restricted, when it was established as one of the fundamental rights of press writers.

I would like to know why you are transparently making rules and adapting things to get more money out of your players without any assurance of what the money will go towards. Just throwing it out in the open, but I suggest competent staff.

I would finally also like to know why you are restricting the freedom of the press to admin-friendly things only, when people know that newspaper articles are the only effective way of communication with admins, because we all know you obviously don't care about us enough to actually read some of the messages we send.

Restricting such freedoms is not the solution. Hiring people who can reply to messages in an appropriate timeframe or even focusing on the players, who you claim you hold so important, instead of writing rules to restrict their freedoms IS.

Whoever is in charge of the user relations, if there even is such a person, should be fired. The website has been up and down a ridiculous number of times, you are implementing things that don't work and then you wonder why, all of a sudden, the users - who through which you have have something to do (which is beginning to appear as if it is obviously boring you) - complain about it!

Dear fellow writers:

Do NOT accept this restriction of rights. Vote this article, publish your own and join me in a campaign against the audacity the admins have to contradict their own rules and silence criticisms when they have been screwing up this game for as long as they have.