Free St00f!

Day 744, 16:54 Published in USA USA by Wade Seagrave

Well, I'm going to start a new Free St00f thing. This isn't some well thought out scheme for me to make money, subscribers, friends, or whatever, I'm just bored and figure I might be able to create some entertainment for myself by giving away free stuff each day.

Here's how it works. You look at my shout. My shout will say what I'm giving away and what the question is. Such as today's which is:

"Free Q3 Food to the first 2 people to pm me what you must do before a problem comes along and before the cream sits out too long."

For those that are curious, I will keep today updated on here, as this might be hard if people don't know the song. Oh wait? Was that a hint?

But yeah. Watch each day for a random question (They won't be too hard. Nothing you can't easily Google) for a random prize. Today is Q3 food because I have some in my inventory I need to get rid of. XD So you can friend me or whatever you want, but just keep watch.

I promise I will give you some higher quality weapons and food this month.

And like I said, this is for the heck of it. Nothing for anything but fun. If anyone wants to donate a random item I could give that out. Just shoot me a pm and we'll see what we can do. I might even let you pick the question. 😛