Free Irish Soup

Day 1,390, 07:22 Published in Canada Pakistan by Frodo Tea Baggins

So what is Irish soup? It's a traditional Irish favorite. First you peel several large potatoes, and find a large stock type pot. Add 1 bottle of whiskey to said pot. Throw out the potatoes and drink straight from the pot.

But OK Ireland are our buds always have been and always will be and the evil UK has been oppressing them too long. When calls for help come there is nothing more to do than answer. We must save the soup. If we save a few Irish from evil oppression well I guess that's OK too. Drunken pub brawls are always fun to watch so we need our buds there to get drunk and start them 🙂

Also I had to laugh at something I heard on IRC this morning
"Dear people of the UK. God knows you weren't blessed with sporting agility or good teeth, but I believe you have some basic intellect. Watching Glee will rot your brains and turn it to putrid mush. You don't want to end up like the Serbians, do you? You have been warned"

Free the soup

Aeriala, eCan CP