Free Flanders: Out Of Game President Election Results

Day 470, 13:03 Published in Belgium Pakistan by Habraka Abrivianius

Citizens of Belgium,

The President elections held on the official Belgian forum are finished, resulting in a tie between current President Palodigon and Prime Minister and Vice-President CreveRoeland. Because we are still in danger of a political take-over that could destabilize and threaten the whole country, the choice has been made to have both Palodigon and CreveRoeland be co-Presidents, much like the two-consul rule in the old Roman Republic, which laid the foundation of our current democratic republic political system.

As the in game system does not allow two Presidents at the same time, CreveRoeland has been chosen to run for President in game. CreveRoeland will be a member of Vrij Vlaanderen and will be supported by the Belgische Unie - Union Belge party, the only Belgian party in Belgian hands.

We, the Belgian Party Presidents of Vrij Vlaanderen, Belgian Center Party and Belgische Unie - Union Belge, President Palodigon, Prime Minister CreveRoeland, the current government and the members of Congress urge you to vote for CreveRoeland as President tomorrow!

Vote for a Belgian President, vote CreveRoeland tomorrow!